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maticallyadjusted.IntheOverallAdjustmentmode,thesystemF1SHUFFPGMu 888SOUND12 discriminatesbetweenCDandMOdiscs,performsadjustments insequenceautomatically,anddisplaysthefaultylocationif anyfaultisfound.IntheManualmode,selectedadjustments canbeperformedautomatically. •TheattachedremotecontrolisusedtooperatetheTESTMODE....
Techniques such as multi-user multi-input multiple-input multiple-output (MU-MIMO), coordinated multipoint (CoMP), and the like could increase the capacity of a cellular system by a factor of as low as less than ten. Therefore, there is a demand for an innovative technique. For example, ...
1. An image display device, comprising: a plurality of light emitting units, arranged in an array comprising a plurality of rows extending in a first direction, each of the plurality of light emitting units having an optical axis; and a plurality of microlenses, arranged in an array so that...