Closed Monitor Headphones MDR-M1 Reference closed monitor headphones for creators, with ultra-wideband playback. Add to Favourites Add to Favourites Facebook Twitter MDR-M1 Where to Buy Studio sound, unleashed Ultra-wideband playback and a closed acoustic structure with high sound isolation allows fo...
Closed Monitor Headphones MDR-M1 Reference closed monitor headphones for creators, with ultra-wideband playback. Add to Favourites Add to Favourites Facebook Twitter MDR-M1 Where to Buy Studio sound, unleashed Ultra-wideband playback and a closed acoustic structure with high sound isolation allows fo...
MDR-V150 RRP € 19.00 (incl. VAT and WEEE) Where To Buy Overview Features Specifications Support & Product Registration V150 Headphones RRP € 19.00 (incl. VAT and WEEE) Where To Buy Colours and features may vary by country and model ...
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Headphones with sound artists trust For and by music makers, the MDR-10RC is the result of a search for true, honest sound reproduction. Feel each drum kick and emotive high as the artist intended.From the music makers to you A collaboration of music industry professionals Sony teamed up wi...
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