A wide 24–105 mm zoom range with constant F4 easily handles subjects such as portraits, snapshots, landscapes, architecture, and more. This one lens will cover most shooting needs, minimizing the need to carry extra equipment. Outstanding images at any focal length ...
Discover the FE 24-105mm F4 G OSS Lens from Sony & explore features, price and where to buy the SEL24105G SYX
SONY 索尼 FE 24-105mm F4 G OSS Lens全画幅变焦G镜头人 5399元 5949元 小小值机器人 更新时间:2024-09-05 17:07 37天新低 提示: 此爆料发布时间较久,价格可能已过期,已为您查找商品最新信息 或选择 继续查看 优惠爆料原文相关推荐 1 / 4 松下Panasonic LUMIX G85 M4/3画幅 微单相机 黑色 12-...
大光圈带来的好处就是可以在28mm获得更大的通光量,在弱光环境直接可以用到F2.8大光圈,获得更好的画质。甚至把这支镜头看成是一支28-70mm F2.8-4,加上一支70-200mm F4-5.6的长焦组合,也未必不可。。镜头重量也很轻,575g,比24-105轻。上稳定器拍拍视频也是没啥大问题的。价格比起24-105G也便宜不少的。...
La large plage focale 24–105 mm avec ouverture F4 constante permet de traiter aisément des sujets tels que les portraits, les instantanés, les paysages, l'architecture, et bien plus encore. A lui seul, cet objectif couvrira la plupart de vos besoins en terme de prise de vue, rédu...
FE 24-105mm F4 G 这支24-105G重量约为663g,覆盖24mm广角到中长焦段。镜头本身的素质很好,完全能应付日常各种拍摄场景。旅游出去拍拍风景或者用它拍摄视频都很不错,而且自带镜头防抖,无论是拍照还是视频都能有一定的稳定度。另外这枚镜头的最近对焦距离约为0.38m,具备一定的微距拍摄功能。F4光圈在105mm下也能有...
Sony FE 24-105mm F4 G OSS Add to compare DXOMARK Score [?] Best at f=105mm & f/4 [?] 20 Lens Metric Scores [?] Sharpness [?] 20 P-Mpix Transmission [?] 4.4 TStop Distortion [?] 0.4 % Vignetting [?] -0.3 EV Chr. aberration [?] 6 µm ...
24-105 4 F4G F/4 F/4G 1:4 24-105/4 24-105MMF4 1:4G 4.0 Brand Name MH Origin Mainland China DescriptionReport Item Specifications: Material: High-quality, durable vinyl Product Type: Camera Lens Sticker Coat Design and Style: Sleek, matte finish Usage and Purpose: Protective film for ...
I know this is an old thread, but I have to add to it . . . I have the Sony A7iii with the 24-105 f/4 and I'm actually selling the lens because I constantly, and I mean constantly, get soft images with it. It doesn't matter what settings I use. For such an expensive setu...
for Sony 24-105F4G Sticker SEL24105G Lens Decal Skin For Sony FE 24-105mm F4 G OSS Protector Coat FE24-105 F4G Wrap Cover 24105 Color: Contour White View More Product sellpoints Easy to apply & remove:With a no-residue adhesive, this skin is a breeze to apply and leaves no marks...