Sony Interactive Entertainment (SIE) is a global pioneer in video game and entertainment responsible for developing the PlayStation® line of consoles, award-winning games, and services for millions of fans around the world since the launch of the original PlayStation in Japan in 1994. We fuse...
Sony Interactive Entertainment (SIE) is a global pioneer in video game and entertainment responsible for developing the PlayStation®
God of War: Ragnarok has dozens of armor sets to unlock for Kratos and Atreus. But certain sets, such as… BySaqib Mansoor2024-05-20 How To Find All Frozen Flame In God Of War: Ragnarok In the new God of War games, Kratos gets a new main weapon: the Leviathan Axe, a weapon once...
Sony Interactive Entertainment pushes the boundaries of entertainment & innovation, starting from the launch of PlayStation in Japan in 1994.
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近期,一位曾准确泄露《对马岛之鬼》PC版信息的舅舅又放出猛料,称索尼互动娱乐(SIE)正在秘密开发多个《战神》系列游戏。 令人惊讶的是,他透露并非只有索尼圣莫尼卡工作室参与了这些项目的开发。 根据此前的爆料和招聘信息,我们可以推测出以下几种可能性:
正式收购两年还不到的时间,曾被索尼当成宝的Bungie,如今却迎来口碑与销量的双重下滑。 近日,海外游戏视频博主Aztecross爆料称,索尼互动娱乐(Sony Interactive Entertainment)目前十分看衰其此前用36亿美元收购的美国游戏工作室Bungie,并将其视为一次失败的投资。为弥补投资损失,索尼或将考虑派遣高管来接管这家独立运营的...
Feel a new real 突破性的PlayStation VR2頭戴裝置和PlayStation VR2 Sense控制器,讓您徹底沉浸在史詩般的世界當中 瞭解更多 PlayStation Blog的最新消息 ©2022 MARVEL ©2022 Sony Interactive Entertainment LLC.Developed by Insomniac Games, Inc.
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