SONY Alpha 6400(别名:ILCE-6400)是索尼(中国)有限公司于2019年1月16日发布的APS-C画幅微单相机。SONY Alpha 6400机身宽度约120毫米,高度约66.9毫米,厚度约59.7毫米;机身宽度约120毫米,高度约66.9毫米,厚度约49.9毫米(从握柄至显示屏);重量约为359克(仅主机);重量约为403克(包括电池和SD存储...
Sony 索尼 ILCE-6400 无反相机 HK$ 7290 颜色 黑色(ILCE-6400净机身) 银色(ILCE-6400净机身) 黑色(ILCE-6400L连16-50mm镜头套装) 银色(ILCE-6400L连16-50mm镜头套装) 购买数量: 商品详情 α6400将索尼备受推崇的全片幅相机系列中多项最优越的技术融入轻巧的APS-C相机。这款全新快速相机拥有极快0....
ILCE-6400/ILCE-6400K/ILCE-6400L/ILCE-6400M ILCE-6400M Body + 18-135mm Zoom Lens 1 2 Where To Buy Innovation in service to your creativity Unleash your creative potential with high-level performance and advanced features such as AI-powered Real-time Eye AF; new, high-precision Real-time...
ILCE 6400_Vlog With Sony | Travel (Outdoor) | Alpha 6400 | Sony | α Take advantage of various movie functions Movies in slow motion (up to 5x) and quick motion (up to 60x)3can be recorded in the camera, without post-processing on a PC. Alternatively, 120fps high-speed shooting6of...
4 models Body Only ILCE-6400 Body + 16-50mm Power Zoom Lens ILCE-6400L Body + 16-50mm2 Power Zoom Lens ILCE-6400K Body + 18-135mm Zoom Lens ILCE-6400M COLOUR Silver Black Silver Black Silver Black Silver Black Summary WHAT'S IN THE BOX? AC Adaptor:AC-UUE12 Accessory...
Explore Sony a6400 APS-C Mirrorless Interchangeable Lens Camera with the fastest AF and 11fps continuous shooting so you don't miss any action.
ILCE 6400_Vlog With Sony | Travel (Outdoor) | Alpha 6400 | Sony | α Take advantage of various movie functions Movies in slow motion (up to 5x) and quick motion (up to 60x)3can be recorded in the camera, without post-processing on a PC. Alternatively, 120fps high-speed shooting6of...
除了出色的拍照性能,索尼ILCE-A6400还拥有出色的4K视频拍摄功能。它支持高达30p的4K视频拍摄,让你可以用镜头记录下生活中的每一个精彩瞬间。无论是旅行、摄影还是创作短片,都能够以更高清晰度、更出色画面的形式展现出来。轻巧便携的设计 索尼ILCE-A6400采用了轻巧便携的设计,使得它不仅适合于日常摄影记录,也可以...
ILCE-6400M Boîtier + objectif zoom 18-135mm Assistance Téléchargements Manuels Questions et réponses ILCE-6400/ILCE-6400K/ILCE-6400L/ILCE-6400M ILCE-6400L Boîtier + objectif à zoom motorisé 16-50 mm Assistance Téléchargements Manuels Questions et réponses ILCE-6400/ILCE...
ILCE-6400/ILCE-6400K/ILCE-6400L/ILCE-6400M ILCE-6400M Body + 18-135mm Zoom Lens 1 2 Where to Buy Innovation in service to your creativity Unleash your creative potential with high-level performance and advanced features such as AI-powered Real-time Eye AF; new, high-precision Real-time...