We originally have tried just through HDMI hookup. Sony HVR M25AU is not listed on Apple approved devices any longer. We have the Sony DSR 250 that the footage was originally captured on mini DV (still trying to find the batteries and I don't think the DSR 250 is on the Apple approve...
HDV IN (OPTION )接口(6 芯,符合IEEE1394 ) 使用 i.LINK 电缆将本机连接到Sony 推荐的HDV 设 6 外部设备接口 备(HVR-1500 、HVR-M25 、HVR-M15 、HVR-Z1 、 HVR-A1 、HDR-FX1 、HDR-FX7 或 HDR-HC3 )。此 接口只有在安装了选购板HKDW-105 i.LINK (HDV) REMOTE 2 PARALLEL I/O(50P) 输入...
SONY HXR-MC1P微型数字高清摄像机 说明书 微型数字高清摄像机HXR-MC1P