HT-ST5000的纸箱长得像长颈鹿,长的部分容纳Soundbar,纸箱底部多出来一截容纳超低音,安装很轻鬆,HT-ST5000摆在Sony Bravia电视前面,专属超低音摆在矮柜旁边,电源插上,把蓝光机的HDMI线接好,外加一条从HT-ST5000拉到Sony Bravia电视的HDMI,按下电源开关,HT-ST5000自动与超低音无线连接,好了,可以享受多声道音响效...
HT-ST5000 机身设有 3 入 1 出 HDMI 端子,全部都兼容 HDCP 2.2,换言之就算全部都接驳 UHD Blu-ray 机、4K 机顶盒等器材,都可以 pass-through 到 4K HDR 画面,而且 Soundbar 本身也支援 ARC 功能,可以直接输出电视声效。HT-ST5000 的无线功能也都好齐全,以蓝牙为例,就支援自家的高质素 LDAC 传输技术,...
自从换了Xbox One S看4K UHD蓝光,由于HT-ST9只支持4K@30Hz,折衷的办法是x1s直连TV (电视本身支持4K HDR),然而这时电影的音频部分会由电视处理后 (印象中会混音成5.1音频,而且部分高级编码格式不支持) 再传到soundbar播放,这样一来音频部分的损失显然与购买Soundbar的初衷不符。 于是,因为HT-ST9不支持4K HDR、...
Soundbar position If you have a BRAVIA with a multi-position stand, you can change the position of the TV stand and fit the HT-A5000 discreetly beneath the TV for a clean look. Omnidirectional Block Design The HT-A5000 and optional speakers have been designed under a common Omnidirectional...
The soundbar is compatible with Google Assistantenabled devices with Chromecast built-in™ and Amazon Alexa enabled devices. Just add the HT-A5000 soundbar to your speaker group using the Google Home app to start playing music, change the volume, or many other functions using just your voice...
The soundbar is compatible with Google Assistantenabled devices with Chromecast built-in™ and Amazon Alexa enabled devices. Just add the HT-A5000 soundbar to your speaker group using the Google Home app to start playing music, change the volume, or many other functions using just your voice...
Soundbar position If you have a BRAVIA with a multi-position stand, you can change the position of the TV stand and fit the HT-A5000 discreetly beneath the TV for a clean look. Omnidirectional Block Design The HT-A5000 and optional speakers have been designed under a common Omnidirectional...
HT-S500RF Immersive sound, like at the movies Experience cinematic sound in your home, brought to you by a 5.1ch system with compact rear speakers and 1000W total power output. Get lost in the moment with the thrill of real surround sound....
为获得更好的声音效果,还得在“音频设置”中对索尼 HT-ST5000与沙发之间的实际距离进行调整。另外,在“音频设置”里还可以对DSEE HX、音频DRC和Sound Field等功能进行单独操作。不过个人建议,使用默认设置即可。 DSEE HX (数位音质还原技术):可将解析度低的歌曲升级为接近高解析度的音质。
A5000的机身尺寸(长121cm,宽14cm,高6.7cm),比HT-G700大了一号,HT-A7000缩短了一些,短了9公分左右。 A5000的机身内藏了9个扬声器单元,由向上发声全频扬声器、波束高频扬声器、前置全频扬声器、低音炮以及中置全频扬声器组成5.1.2声道。 A5000可以选购低音炮和后置环绕,相位调整要注意后置环绕麦克风的接收距离有限,...