1. You need connect Sony EVI D30, EVI D70 or EVI D100 PTZ camera to a serial port/USB of your computer by a VISCA cable (cross type, RS-232C). 2.Downloadand run PTZ Controller software. 3. Click menu Setting -> Camera Manager -> New to openCamera Settingpanel. Here selectAddress...
Camera Control Keyboard REACHWIN CK series Camera Control Keyboard RREEAACCHHWWIINN CCKK sseerriieess CCaammeerraa CCoonnttrrooll KKeeyybbooaarrdd 迅柏尼科技 wwwwww..rreeaacchhwwiinn..ccnn 视频会议、会议室产品专家 Sony EVI-D100P D70P BRC-300P CK Sony EVI-D100P D70P BRC-300P CK SSoonnyy...
•AnEXviewHADCCDprovides380,000(EVI-D70)/410,000(EVI-D70P)effectivepictureelements(pixels)enablinghigh-resolutionimagingwiththiscamera. •TheuseofVISCAcommandsallowsyoutocontrolthecamerafromacomputer. •High-speed,wideanglePANandTILTfunctionsandImageFlip(turningthedisplayedimageupsidedown)allowtheunittobem...
Members Service to access support software, resources and extra services for developers, integrators and hxc-d70k (hxcd70k) : product overview : united - N1 news channel relies on Sony Optical Disc The HXC- D70K is a high-performance yet affordable HD Digital triax Camera Control Unit for HX...