索尼ELF-SR2 将于4月16日的NAB Show展会上亮相,定于今年5月上市,价格不菲高达5000美元(约3.43万元),提供3年质保。 扩展
The ELF-SR2 promotes application compatibility, as well as efficient and streamlined development through software development kits (SDKs). With support for leading SDKs including Unity and, Unreal Engine, it also allows for development with Open GL, DirectX 11/12 and Open XR (coming later this ...
4K裸眼3D显示屏ELF-SR2 今天正式发布了,更多规格公布,定于6月12日发售,售价果然不菲,搞到550000日元,约合2.8万元。 索尼ELF-SR2 是旗下第二代裸眼3D显示屏,上代是15.6英寸,型号ELF-SR1,于2020年10月发布,当时没有引起太大关注度。 新款尺寸明显增大,细节更细腻,满足更多应用场景,尤其适合工业设计和医学、教...