FSS ePub Reader Software tool for reading and managing ePub files on computer. Adobe Digital Editions Allows users to read and manage e-books in various formats such as EPUB and PDF on their computer. Mobipocket Reader Digital reading app that supports various eBook formats, including MOBI, EPUB...
通过ebook l 32、ibrary导入图书到sd卡后,点击选中“sd card on reader”,点击左边的三角符号展开成倒三角,然后点击ebook library界面左下角的“+”号,就可以在sd卡创建一个分类,可以修改自己想要的命名(对已经命名好的分类也可以双击改变名称),支持中文分类名。再点击“+”号可以创建多个分类,但只能创建一级目录...
Sony eBook Reader now uses Adobe Digital Editions (sort of Adobe Acrobat Reader) to help people read PDF files. However, colored illustrations in PDF ebooks, magazines and technical manuals will only appear in black and white. Therefore, many users prefer to convert PDFs to EPUB format, which...
1、如果你从未带SD卡将PRS-505连入你的PC,建议至少连入一次,并打开ebook library软件让它识别这个SD卡是“SD Card on Reader”,否则会识别成“SD Card on PC”,这样可能保存相关信息的cache文件不会改变,只是将文件COPY进去。以后就可以脱离直接将SD卡取到读卡器中连入PC了。但要注意的是如果SD卡中有很多书了...
Information: When opening the windows-explorer, my ebook-reader appears as two drives (one named reader, one named settings). Is this the reason, why ADE does not identify my reader and if so, how can I fix it? Thanks in advance for your help!
-505 Reader内存和SD卡 中的目录路径一定要正确。 否则就吃后悔药就相当麻烦了。这个方法需要说明 的是6) Press 9 重启后,由于SD卡中SONY Reader\software下的脚本没有来得及删除,回再次自动运行脚本呢,只要选择"3 Run script”,然后按menu退 出就行了。这个时候可以再连到PC上把SD卡的内容都 ...
SONYPRS-505Reader应用指南v0.90 1 基本介绍 首先恭喜你拥有了SONYPRS-505Reader,如果你真的喜欢读书,在国内电子书资源丰富的环境下,虽然开始使用Reader会有不少小问题,但你能熟练解决后,会发现SONYPRS-505Reader真的物超所值。 为了帮助新手用好Reader,我汇总了这两年来大家解决应用遇到的不少问题,引用的相关内容...
I do have the Sony Reader software installed on my PC (Windows 8). My PC is authorised. Currently my device is attached to it and its shown as a connecteion on the top bar. How do I know if a driver has been installed that allows ADE to see my Sony device.? P...
The PDF to ePub Converter can convert your PDF files to ePub file easily and quickly. So you can read eBooks more easily on your iPad, iPhone, iPod touch, Sony Reader or other eBook Readers.
这个方法需要说明的是6) Press 9 重启后,由于SD卡中SONY Reader\software下的脚本没有来得及删除,回再次自动运行脚本呢,只要选择3 Run script”,然后按menu退出就行了。这个时候可以再连到PC上把SD卡的内容都删除——关键是删除software下自动运行的脚本。帖子中提到的1和4两个问题,我建议还是解决,否则有点影响...