The Xperia E comes with a 3.2 megapixel camera that allows you to capture all the goings-on in your life without missing a beat. Relive moments with all the intensity of 4x digital zoom that the camera comes with. Integrated WALKMAN app This app that comes with the smartphone allows you...
Was using Xperia E3, got E4 for my sis. Both of us being audiophile wanted Sony as our smartphones thus these. E4 standalone is a nice phone if not grt but bang for the price of just 8.8K. Sony branding plus Walkman sound which cant be reproduced in other phones eve...
Discover the WI-1000X Wireless Noise Cancelling In-ear Headphones from Sony & explore features, price and where to buy the WI-1000X/NM E
Lowest price for 7artisans 50mm F0.95 for Sony E is €179.10. This is currently the cheapest offer from 1 retailer. Compare: 7artisans Camera Lenses Features Product Product name 7artisans 50mm F0.95 for Sony E Brand 7artisans Measures Weight 420.0 g Diameter x Length 67.5x60.2 Product prop...
Discover the XQD G Series Memory Card from Sony & explore features, price and where to buy the QD-G32E/J SYM
Sony自推出鏡頭相機後,廣受各界好評,除了獨創設計外,還提供前所未有的攝影方式,為拍照帶來更多樂趣。而Sony也針對旗下手機推出QX轉接外殼,目前所提供的型號有Xperia Z1(SPA-ACX2)、Xperia Z1 Compact(SPA-ACX4)、Xperia Z Ultra(SPA-ACX3)、Xperia Z(SPA-ACX1)四款手機外接殼。若使用它牌手機,則可利用QX...
上一次SONYXperia Acro S 的網聚因為有事所以很遺憾地失去了那次機會。而這次在報名的70多名王友中被選中成為網聚的20名中的一名,我覺得我很幸運。在此,我感謝@ePrice比价王和@害蟲給了我這次機會。 這次是我第一次參加ePrice網聚活動,是地地道道的菜鳥。聽說這次已經是ePrice第五次網聚了,身為索粉的我...
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Discover the 8.95” (22.7 cm) Digital Media Receiver with WebLink™️ Cast from Sony & explore features, price and where to buy the XAV-AX8100/Q E
Discover the XQD G Series Memory Card from Sony & explore features, price and where to buy the QD-G32E/J SYM