SONY 数字磁带录像机 DVW-A500P 500P 说明书
Reverb Bump Sony ECM-MS957 electret condenser stereo microphone with accessories Used – Excellent €160 €160 Reverb Bump Sony digital Betacam digital videocassette recorder DVW-A500 P Used – Good €1,000 €1,000 LOT OF 17 + POSSO MEDIA BOX Digital Audio Tape DAT SONY DT-120 USED WORKING...
8 DVW-A500P A-826-0687-D DJR-02AR A8260687D 9 DVW-A510P A8-260-747-F DJR-06AR A8260747F 10 DVW-M2000P A-8347-934-B DJR-38AR A8347934B 11 HDW-500 A-8313-765-C DHR-03R A8313765C 12 HDW-D1800 A-8327-911-C DJR-28AR A8327911C 13 HDW-F500 A-8313-765-B* (A-8313...
SONY索尼DVW-A500-1使用说明书.PDF,DIGITAL VIDEOCASSETTE RECORDER DVW-A500/1 DVW-500/1 DVW-A500P/1 DVW-500P/1 CONTROL PANEL BKDW-515 INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL 1st Edition (Revised 3) ! WARNING This manual is intended for qualified service personn
MSW-2000P系列录像机随机提供了8个可独立 编辑的16比特音频通道。也可以切换为4声道 24比特数字音频记录。 16比特-8声道 24比特-4声道s s 紧凑的机身设计 该系列录像机采用紧凑的4U*大小的机身设计, 重量仅为23公斤,比DVW-A500要轻12公斤。 *宽×高×深为427×174×544毫米ss 超长记录和重放时间 ...
SONY索尼DVW-M2000M2000P20002000P 操作手册.PDF,DIGITAL VIDEOCASSETTE RECORDER DVW-M2000 DVW-M2000P DVW-2000 DVW-2000P Note The supplied CD-ROM includes operation manuals for the DVW-2000 series of digital videocassette recorders (English, Japanese, French
t h e Computer r e c o r d USB cable e r w i t h a c To the USB cable o m connecting jack p u t e To the USB port r 1 Insert a disc into the recorder. 2 Make sure the recorder is stopped and HOLD is released. 3 Connect the recorder to the computer through the USB...
S R E K A E P S FRONT R FRONT L SUR R SUR L CENTER SUBWOOFER Area code Any differences in operation, according to the area code, are clearly indicated in the text, for example, “Models of area code AA only”. 4GB Note for the supplied remote RM-AAU022 (Models of area code U...