他们今天正式推出了世界上最小的30倍光变卡片数码相机DSC-WX500和DSC-HX90V,售价分别为330美元(约合2051元)和430美元(约合2672元),均将于今年6月上市。 ▲ 图为索尼DSC-HX90V相机 两款相机配置极为相似,都是1800万像素的1/2.3吋BSI-CMOS,搭载Bionz X引擎,30倍光变蔡司认证镜头,等效35mm焦距为24-720mm,...
Get the detailed list of (technical) specifications for the Sony DSC-HX90V
巨炮灵魂⼩巧机⾝,SONYDSC-HX90V全⽅位旅游相机 随着智能⼿机越来越强⼤,很多消费者选着利⽤⼿机来拍照,因为这样的原因,也导致了市⾯ 上消费级数码相机的市场渐渐的被吞噬。虽然⼿机的拍照能⼒可以媲美很多数码相机,但是有 ⼀样⼿机是完完全全做不到的,就是拥有强⼤的光学变焦能⼒...
Phổ biếnMới nhất 20 30 277 254 20 367 692 695 192 314 121 3432 61 92 405 71 342 593 369 5633 90 3619 50 111 441 112 423 4525 4033 3424 4126 404 30 61 73 51 43 71 311 245 204 415 132 90 51 40 61 111
Sony Cyber-shot DSC-HX99 设计光学摄像电池功能 46 分 55 分 为什么Sony Cyber-shot DSC-HX90V优于Sony Cyber-shot DSC-HX99? 24 g 重量差距 ? 218 gvs242 g 具有两段式快门 ? 变焦范围大2x ? 30xvs28x 向下滚动,浏览更多细节 为什么Sony Cyber-shot DSC-HX99优于Sony Cyber-shot DSC-HX90V?
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Although the Sony Cyber-shot DSC-HX90V may share some similar specs to the HX60V, on the outside they're very different animals. At 102 x 58.1 x 35.4mm, the HX90V lines up alongside Sony's WX500 as the smallest camera on sale to feature a 30x optical zoom. By comparison, the ...
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(Sony Cyber-shot DSC-HX90V) 对焦马达通过移动镜头进行自动对焦。当设备配置机身马达时,使用不带镜身马达的镜头,仍然可以使用自动对焦功能,因此也让用户在挑选镜头时的选择面更广。 配备翻转式屏幕 ✔Sony A6000 ✔Sony Cyber-shot DSC-HX90V 翻转式屏幕有助于拍摄高难度相片。 取景器视野 100% 100% ...
Sony Cyber-shot DSC-HX90V Sony Cyber-shot DSC-RX100 What customers say about "Imaging" Close focus - this really took me by surprise... I have shot subjects within 14" with remarkable sharpness, almost as if it was a macro camera. Combine this with incredible IS, and you have a P...