من النوع 1,0، كبيرة: 5472 × 3648 (20 ميجا)، متوسطة: 3888 × 2592 (10 ميجا)، صغيرة: 2736 × 1824 (5 ميجا) أوضاع جودة الصورة تن...
ويعتبر مقاس 18 مم%footnote_id="CameraNF1401vlog-camerasZV-1M2"% رائعًا لصور السيلفي، بينما يُعد مقاس 50 مم%footnote_id="CameraNF1401vlog-camerasZV-1M2"% م...
Which I didn't REALLY give to this camera. There was a lot of sand, and for the most part, the Cybershot DID do pretty well with it. But sand really does get everywhere, and the worst is the REALLY fine, tiny sand granules. None of it got past the O-ring that seals the micro...
Mirrorless cameras tend to have a leg up on DSLRs when it comes to video, and partly this is due to Sony heavily pushing new video features out to its cameras before anyone else. Today, you can find 4K video on every current-model Sony mirrorless or advanced compact camera. But while S...
مم%footnote_id="CameraNF1401vlog-camerasZV-1M2"% رائعًا لصور السيلفي، بينما يُعد مقاس 50 مم%footnote_id="CameraNF1401vlog-camerasZV-1M2"% مثاليًا للصور ...