Sony has launched the Cyber-shot DSC-T77 and DSC-T700 ultra-compact digital cameras. Replacing the DSC-T70 and T300 respectively, both maintain the 10-megapixel sensor of their predecessors. The T77 is Sony’s thinnest model and has a 3-inch touch panel LCD screen. The T700 has all the...
Digital Camera Description TheSony Cybershot DSC-TX7is a Ultra-Compact Digital Camera with a 1/2.3" sensor. Its10 Megapixels CMOSsensor offers an ISO 125-3200 sensitivity range which is expandable to ISO 125-3200. With 10 MP of resolution, sharp prints are possible up to 15" x 11" at ...
全新索尼 Sony Cybershot Digital Camera 12.1 MP 红色数码相机 DSCW510/R ,特价$59.99,美国境内免运费。 【相机主要参数】 傻瓜机型 12.1百万像素 2.7英寸LCD荧屏 4X倍光学变焦镜头 HAD CCD 传感器 便携式设计 其他 eBay 问答 查看全部 问 ebay美国官网友好吗?会不会砍单呀 查看详情 答 这个网站友好,下单难度不...
I suggest you buy at least two more, even though the battery life on this camera is pretty good.The Sony Cybershot DSC-W1 is an impressive offering for under $400. It is handsomely constructed, with a feel of quality. It also has reasonable heft for better handholding of shots. Its ...
Digital Camera Description The Sony Cybershot DSC-RX100 is a Compact Digital Camera with a 1" sensor. Its 20 Megapixels CMOS sensor offers an ISO 125-6400 sensitivity range which is expandable to ISO 80-6400. This makes it possible to shoot hand-held in relatively low-light. With 20 MP ...
Digital Camera Description TheSony Cybershot DSC-TX1is a Ultra-Compact Digital Camera with a 1/2.3" sensor. Its10 Megapixels CMOSsensor offers an ISO 160-3200 sensitivity range which is expandable to ISO 160-3200. With 10 MP of resolution, sharp prints are possible up to 15" x 11" at ...
Digital Camera Description The Sony Cybershot DSC-HX1 is a Large Digital Camera with a 1/2.3" sensor. Its 9 Megapixels CMOS sensor offers an ISO 125-3200 sensitivity range which is expandable to ISO 125-3200. With 9 MP of resolution, sharp prints are possible up to 14" x 10" at 240...
Sony's Cyber-shot DSC-H1 is a new form factor addition to a long and very broad line of digital cameras that reflect Sony's commanding position in the digital camera marketplace. Like many other long zoom cameras, the Sony H1 has a miniature SLR look and feel, with the big grip and ...
Mixing speed, reach, and portability, the Sony Cyber-shot DSC-RX100 VII is a pocket-sized camera packing a wealth of stills and video versatility. This seventh-generation camera in the esteemed RX100 series is the second to feature the impressive 24-200mm-equivalent ZEISS Vario-Sonnar T* le...
All four corners are a bit soft, but the effect isn't too strong. Color and exposure are both pretty good. The DSC-P8's flash had trouble throttling down for the macro area, significantly overexposing the shot. (Plan on using external illumination for your macro shots with the P8.) "...