Sony has launched the Cyber-shot DSC-T77 and DSC-T700 ultra-compact digital cameras. Replacing the DSC-T70 and T300 respectively, both maintain the 10-megapixel sensor of their predecessors. The T77 is Sony’s thinnest model and has a 3-inch touch panel LCD screen. The T700 has all the...
(1010万画素光学x4内蔵メモリ4G3.5型タッチP液晶)ゴールド DSC-T700/N【メーカー名】ソニー(SONY)【メーカー型番】DSC-T700/N【ブランド名】ソニー(SONY)【商品説明】ソニー SONY デジカメCybershotT700 (1010万画素光学x4内蔵メモリ4G3.5型タッチP液晶)ゴールド DSC-T700/Nイメージと違う...
Product name:for sony cybershot camera dsc-t700 display;Model:lcd screen display;Style:camera replacement;Quality:100% Original/ Brand new;Function:Replace the old, broken, cracked, damaged one.;E-commerce one-stop service:Amazon/Ebay /Shopify etc.;Shipm
类型 Electric 材料 PC防火材料, ABS, 铝,铜 功能 Qc1.0 端口 直流 额定功率 10W 其他属性 用途 摄像头 防护 短路保护, OVP, OTP, OLP, OCP, 其它, 低压保护, 过量充电保护, 过流, 过压 私模 不支持 品牌 Unbranded 型号 NP-BD1 输入电压/电流 ...
Sony: CyberShot G Series DSC-G3 CyberShot T Series DSC-T2, DSC-T200, DSC-T300, DSC-T500, DSC-T70, DSC-T700, DSC-T77, DSC-T90, DSC-T900 CyberShot T Series DSC-T100 แพคเกจรวม: 3x NP-BD1 แบตเตอรี่ ...
NP-FD1 NP-BD1แบตเตอรี่สำหรับ Sony Cybershot DSC-T2 DSC-G3 DSC-T70 DSC-T75 DSC-T77 DSC-T200 DSC-T300 DSC-T500 DSC-T700 T90 T900 TX1 คุณสมบัติ: แถมการรับรอง CE ...
NP-FD1 NP-BD1 แบตเตอรี่สำหรับ Sony Cybershot DSC-T2 DSC-G3 DSC-T70 DSC-T75 DSC-T77 DSC-T200 DSC-T300 DSC-T500 DSC-T700 T90 T900 TX1 แบตเตอรี่: สินค้าของเราทั้งหมด...
DSC-T700, Cybershot DSCT700, T700 DSC-T700/N, Cybershot DSCT700N, T700N DSC-T700/P, Cybershot DSCT700P, T700P DSC-T700/R, Cybershot DSCT700R, T700R DSC-T700/H, Cybershot DSCT700H, T700H DSC-T900, Cybershot DSCT900, T900 DSC-T900/B, Cybershot DSCT900B, T900B DSC-T900/R, Cybersh...
Sony Cyber-shot DSC-T70 Surface area: 24.84 mm² vs 24.84 mm² Difference: 0 mm² (0%) T2 and T70 sensors are the same size. Pixel pitch 1.75 µm 1.75 µm Pixel pitch tells you the distance from the center of one pixel (photosite) to the center of the next. It tells...