Fig.3 Sony CDP-77ES, channel separation. Spectral analysis of a 1kHz undithered tone at –90.31dB (fig.4) is strikingly good, without question the best we have measured on any all-in-one player, and equaled only by the Stax and Esoteric D-2 processors. The same goes for the Sony's...
SONY CD580 SONY CDF-151 SONY CDJ0500 SONY CDL1100 SONY CDL1100 SONY CDL11002 SONY CDL1100 SONY CDM59 5BD32A SONY CDP-101 DE SONY CDP-110 SONY CDP-190,390 SONY CDP-195 295 491 SONY CDP-201 SONY CDP-209ES 790 SONY CDP-209 309 SONY CDP-211,311 SONY CDP-212 312 SONY CDP-213...
【新品 未使用】SONY ソニ ZSE30 パソナルオディオシステム FM AM CDプレヤ ラジオ ブラック 669元 剩:14小时 [表情] SONY ソニ CDPX33ES CDプレヤ CDデッキ 通電確認済み 1026TM 154元 剩:1天 [表情] SONY ソニ CDPXA5ES CDプレヤ [表情]中古[表情] ...
For this reason, technologists developed 1-bit D/A converters that bypassed the problem completely. Significant among these 1-bit designs was Sony's own High Density Linear Converter™ circuit, which made its debut on the landmark CDP-X77ES in 1990 and has since been followed by Sony's Cur...