Quad CDP Raysonic CD 128 Reavon UBR-X200 Rega Apollo CDP Rega Planet Rega Planet Mk II Rega Saturn Reson RH1 Revox M37 Roksan Kandy K2 Roland CD2 Rotel CD11 Tribute Rotel CD14 Rotel RCD 06 Rotel RCD930 AX Rotel RCD991 AE Rotel RCD1570 Rotel RCD1572 Rotel RHDC10 Sharp...
having released several models of CD-players at once: CDP-XA20 ES, CDP-XA30 ES and CDP-XA50. The first two look very similar in appearance and all three players are equipped with a transport mechanism by Sony with stationary optical head and impact-current C-Pulse ...