To use the remote control, you must connect with your mobile to the same Wi-Fi network as your TV is connected to. and then you must accept the message that app…
- Compatible with Sony Bravia TVs - Power your TV on and off with ease - Touch Pad control - Access your favourite apps on your TV through the app list for quick - User-friendly interface with multiple remote styles - Vibration feedback ...
Explore the smartphone app. It functions as a remote control, making it easier to set up and use BRAVIA and BRAVIA Theatre products.
Explore the smartphone app. It functions as a remote control, making it easier to set up and use BRAVIA and BRAVIA Theatre products.
{ "platform": "BraviaTV", "name": "TV", "ipadress": "", "port": 80, "psk": "YourPSKhere", "tvEnabled": true, "volumeEnabled": true, "inputsEnabled": true, "detectCEC": true, "extraInputs": false, "appsEnabled": true, "channelsEnabled": false, "remoteControl":...
RM-ED011 remote control 适用于 Sony BRAVIA液晶高清电视遥控器 扬州乐迅达电子科技有限公司 3年 回头率: 41.3% 江苏 扬州市邗江区 ¥5.50 成交1079台 适用SONY索尼液晶电视机遥控器RMT-TX100U 通用RMF-TX101E/101P 天长市泉晟电子厂 2年 回头率: 30.6% 安徽 天长市 ...
RM-ED011 remote control 适用于 Sony BRAVIA液晶高清电视遥控器 扬州乐迅达电子科技有限公司 3年 回头率: 44.1% 江苏 扬州市邗江区 ¥5.50 成交1079台 适用SONY索尼液晶电视机遥控器RMT-TX100U 通用RMF-TX101E/101P 天长市泉晟电子厂 2年 回头率: 42.5% 安徽 天长市 ¥8.20 成交600台 ...
适用索尼电视遥控器RM-AMU187 IR Remote for Sony TV 复购率: 37% 4年 ¥8.5 成交2笔 无锡市 适用于索尼智能蓝牙语音电视机遥控器SONY RMF-TX500U 复购率: 30% 1年 ¥20.0 成交1笔 滁州市 感兴趣的产品 小电视接收机 fpv 遥控器 遥控器iptv 电视盒电视卡遥控器 学习型遥控器 机...
Homebridge Platform Plugin for Sony Bravia Android TV This is a Plugin for Homebridge to control your Sony Android TV. Note: If you are looking for the dynamic version, install the new version! homebridge-bravia-tv v3 Following functions can be exposed to HomeKit: Switch for TV Power (on/...
you can fire up a remote PlayStation and play your games through the TV. This has the same limitations that the Portal does, but if you have a Bravia 7 in your bedroom and your PlayStation is downstairs in the basement, you can sit in bed and play without needing to put your real ...