Conventional OLED without XR Triluminos Pro BRAVIA OLED with XR Triluminos Pro
Combine our bright, pure black OLED screen with the powerful intelligence of our Cognitive Processor XR™ and you get pictures closer than ever to real life.2 Learn about BRAVIA XR Contrast. Like life itself. The secret is peak brightness and pure blacks. Suddenly you'll see all the detail...
Sony Bravia TVs offer a wide variety of features ranging from smart TVs with 4K HDR Full Array LED to standard HD with Wi-Fi capabilities. Discover a range of televisions with extraordinary image quality.
XR Surround virtually creates surround sound using just the TV speakers for 3D audio without in-ceiling or up-firing speakers. Our BRAVIA XR™ TVs are also compatible with Dolby Atmos®. Clear Voice. Precise dialogue. Voice Zoom 2™ detects voices, analyses them and improves their clarity...
蘇寧有售SONY XR-55A95L 55 吋 BRAVIA XR OLED 4K 智能電視,立即查看SONY XR-55A95L 55 吋 BRAVIA XR OLED 4K 智能電視產品規格、價錢及評價,更可享購物折扣優惠,買滿指定金額可享免費送貨或於門店取貨。
索尼在今年年初的消费电子大展(CES)上发布的全新 OLED 旗舰电视 Bravia OLED A1。这台一公开就吸引了...
▲OLED技术能显示更深邃的黑色,带来细节、色彩与画面质感上的全面提升。左为OLED采用技术的电视、右为传统技术的电视。 在这样的技术下,SonyBRAVIAOLEDTV能带来的除了画面的提升之外,最有感的就是显示的鲜艳饱和。在真实的黑色背景衬托之下,色彩的呈现会更加鲜艳。 当然,这不仅只是由于OLED单一颗像素可以各自关闭,所以...
A1的正面留给我们的只有一块超窄边框的屏幕,为此充满信仰的SONY logo也有意缩小,BRAVIA的标志甚至放到了电视的背面。另外,相比LED液晶电视,OLED电视因为结构简单具有先天纤薄的优势,不过索尼这台OLED电视并没有追求薄度上的极限,厚度与iPhone7差不多,如果机身再薄一点,恐怕就要担心它的强度问题了。 电视背部 取下背板...
Sony K65XR80 65 Inch IMAX Enhanced Bravia OLED 4K HDR Google TV with 4 Year Amber Protection Plan (2024) Sony K65XR80 BRAVIA 8 65 inch 4K HDR Smart OLED TV 2024 Bundle with 2 YR CPS Enhanced Protection Pack Add $1,998.00current price $1,998.00Sony K65XR80 BRAVIA 8 65...
OLED过时了? Mini-LED 奋起直追!索尼大改旗舰,最接近 OLED 的黑科技,来了! feat. Sony BRAVIA 9 4449 2 1:01 App 全球首款!支持DP 2.1 480Hz OLED显示器,VESA ClearMR 21,000全新标准——27GX790A 新鲜开箱! 6745 -- 4:25 App 索尼FX3二代将成为视频机新旗舰 4006 7 5:50 App 索尼xperia 1v...