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Bluetooth®字樣與商標為Bluetooth SIG, Inc.所擁有的註冊商標;Sony Group Corporation及其子公司針對此類標示的使用已獲得授權。 Blu-ray 及 Blu-ray Disk 是 Blu-ray Disc Association 的商標或註冊商標。 Box 是 Box, Inc. 的商標或註冊商標。 Bump 是 Bump Technologies, Inc. 的商標或註冊商標。 Clear Vo...
Blu-ray 及 Blu-ray Disk 是 Blu-ray Disc Association 的商標或註冊商標。 Box 是 Box, Inc. 的商標或註冊商標。 Bump 是 Bump Technologies, Inc. 的商標或註冊商標。 Clear Voice 是 Able Planet, Inc. 的商標或註冊商標。 Corel、WinZip 和 WordPerfect 是 Corel Corporation 的商標或註冊商標。
But if you're not into gaming, and not interested in the networking features of the PS3, then you might consider the later generation of Blu-Ray players such as Panasonic'sDMP-BD30or upcomingDMP-BD50. These have come down in price since the first generation players, while offering more ...
The difference between the Sony X1100ES and X800M2 4K Blu-ray players It’s all about the inputs and outputs Apr 11, 2019 In Sony Reconsidered by Sohrab Osati How to Set Up PlayStation VR Cinematic Mode It does more than just VR ...
In our review of the 4K Blu-ray, we note how the film “strikes an impressively naturalistic look for a fantasy film” - and it’s this quality that comes to the fore with the Sony X700. We’ve always lauded Sony for its natural-looking disc-players, but the X700 surpasses even that...
In mid-2021, video game developerEpic Gamesannounced a $1 billion investment, raising the company's valuation to $28.7 billion. Sony invested in Epic Games. Read morehere. 2020 Closure of the only Blu-ray disc factory in the Russian Federation ...
Sony影业将于5月21日首次发行 弗兰克·鲍沙其 1933年经典爱情片《男人的城堡》蓝光,这部作品在自上映后的未来几十年时间,仅仅在1938年建立的极其严格的审查制度下被重新发行过,也就是在影片男主角 斯宾塞·屈塞 获得奥斯卡奖的时间点,这部作品多处个人镜头被删除以合乎当时的道德准则,从而导致人物情感个性的表达被削...
Bluetooth®字樣與商標為Bluetooth SIG, Inc.所擁有的註冊商標;Sony Group Corporation及其子公司針對此類標示的使用已獲得授權。 Blu-ray 及 Blu-ray Disk 是 Blu-ray Disc Association 的商標或註冊商標。 Box 是 Box, Inc. 的商標或註冊商標。 Bump 是 Bump Technologies, Inc. 的商標或註冊商標。 Clear Vo...