Find out more about theSony Alpha SLT-A57 What the Sony NEX-7 and Sony a57 have incommon Similar imagesensorsize367 in² Similar viewscreen resolutions921k dots Both cameras are the same ageApril 2012 vs April 2012 Same viewscreen size3.0″ ...
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Sony A57 fast lens perfomance Jan 24, 2021 Hello I am considering purchase a 85mm portrait lens for use with Sony A57 (a-mount) Purchase will be by internet, without possibility to check. So I have 2 questions: 1. If there is a high possibility that such a lens will have some bac...
原价$799.99的Sony索尼Alpha SLT-A57K 1610万像素单反相机+18-55mm变焦镜头 现打折38%仅售$498.00免运费。 A57运用Sony独家画素超高辨识率技术,提供高达两倍的智能变焦功能,同时保有等同光学变焦的画质表现,就像内建了两倍增距镜一样,让使用者在有限的镜头配备下,也可以拍摄出理想的望远影像;使用定焦镜也能像变焦...
A57采用了APS-C画幅的Exmor APS HD CMOS传感器,有效像素1610万,因为采用了固定式半透镜替代传统单反相机中的活动式反光镜,每次释放快门时不必进行升降操作,因此连拍速度可以做到12FPS,远高于同价位竞争对手的水准。另外,SONY的α系列采用半透镜技术,可以在拍摄静态照片或高清动态影像时都能做到实时相位检测自动对焦,...
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While the Sony Alpha 57 retains the sensor along with many other technical characteristics of the SLT-A55, such as built-in image stabilization, it has abandoned the A55’s GPS sensor. Too bad for travel photography!In keeping with the expectations of the day, the SLT-A57 offers iAuto scene...
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