734 -- 2:18 App 索尼A7C菜单栏讲解—文件格式和记录设置 4402 3 5:31 App 索尼FX3 菜单揭晓 AirPeak 通过固件及更多功能可实现 RAW 2.4万 18 12:07 App 索尼A7M3自定义菜单的设置,PP值的一个小技巧。主要针对像我一样拿它来拍摄视频的同学们 159 -- 2:11 App 索尼A7C菜单栏讲解—【分级与分级...
Theslot1isusedinthedefaultsettings. •Usetheslot1whenyouareonlyusingoneSDcard. •Usetheslot2whenyouareusingMemoryStickmedia.Inthiscase,set [PrioritizeRec.Media]to[Slot2]. 3Closethecover. GB 27 Hint •Whenyouuseamemorycardwiththecameraforthefirsttime,itis recommendedthatyouformatthecardonthecame...
适合A7R4 A7MIII A6400 A6300 RX100等Alpha系列相机 17.2万 282 2019-07-31 20:25:15 未经作者授权,禁止转载 您当前的浏览器不支持 HTML5 播放器 请更换浏览器再试试哦~ 4535 2995 1.3万 1444 稿件举报 记笔记 索尼菜单太复杂,为了帮助提高效率分享一下我用的全部设置!可收藏复习! 近期发布我个人的摄像...
* Recommended settings differ depending on the subject. Focus Mode: AF-C When set to the AF-C (Continuous AF) mode, the camera continues to focus while the shutter button is pressed and held halfway down. Focus Area: Flexible Spot M When set to the Flexible Spot , the camera allows yo...
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Includes Descriptions of all a7 III Menu Items,with menu screenshots, plus suggested settings and starting points. Explains Custom Button Configurations,with recommended settings. Discusses the Sophisticated Autofocus System,including the Focus Modes and Focus Areas, plus face and eye detection autofocus,...
We’re going to Camera Settings 2 page 2 and we’re going to set Drive Speed to Fast. This dictates how fast the A7iii is going to rack focus once it decides that the footage is out of focus. So basically, this controls how fast that transition happens, and I like it set to Fast...
移动专享:理光 GR III Ultimate 数码相机 24MP APS-C 传感器 28毫米 F2.8 GR 镜头 4 轴 3.0英寸 LCD 防抖 6851.76元 百亿补贴:索尼 SONY Alpha 7C II 新一代全画幅微单相机 A7C2 a7cm2 11199元 尼康Z 50 APS-C画幅 微单相机 黑色 Z DX 16-50mm F3.5 VR 变焦镜头+Z 7780.06元 尼康Z30 半...
索尼A7SIII相机显示屏类型为旋转屏,显示屏尺寸为3英寸,显示屏像素为123万像素液晶屏。 今日该商品在京东商城天津广景数码专营店特价促销,优惠价格为27999元,值得入手。 立即购买¥27999 该促销信息由“小z机器人”智能筛选后审核发布。促销折扣可能随时变化,值友们购买请注意审核。
索尼(SONY)Alpha 7 III 套装(SEL24105G镜头)全画幅微单数码相机(约2420万有效像素 5轴防抖 a7M3/A 王自来 1 2 我的摄影装备。索尼(SONY)Alpha 7 III(7M3K)全画幅微单数码相机 月见很忙 0 0 索尼(SONY)Alpha 7 IV ILCE-7M4/a7m4全画幅微单相机 单机身 官方标配 值友9455696172 0 0 双11购后晒吐...