I recently picked up the same model RXD Tamron 70-300* but I get your point as it is 5.8” long and well over 500g. Most of the time that’s perfectly fine, but on occasion it’s too much to carry “just in case”. *actually I take delivery on Wednesday. I am currently using ...
very nice - my dad used to fly those! -- http://www.wingedwarriors.co.uk ReplyReply with quoteReply to threadComplain alan900•Regular Member• Posts: 100 Re: Tornado In reply toJustaBhoy•Sep 18, 2012 Nice. No 2 Sqn - is that at Marham? What was the occasion?
I was not impressed. So now I remember why I just don’t bother using them! I have to say that I find it incomprehensible in this ‘app addicted’ world, that a tech leader like Sony even bothers with the PlayMemories apps! Like others have said above, ditch it, employ skilled app d...