[广深地铁大战] 深圳地铁11号线和广州地铁11号线加速度对比,同为各自城市中的最快加速度车型,深11增购车是否能够比肩A9? 269 2 09:51 App Sony AI tracking for a6400 and a9 Firmware Update Demonstration And Guide[外挂字幕] 2767 0 13:18 App 索尼革命性的对焦系统点评!Sony's new focusing changes...
Sony releases Alpha 7R II, 7S II, 7II, a6500 and a6300 firmware updates Jun 8, 2017 Sony has released updates for a range of cameras that address stability issues, provide support for the new 100-400mm F4.5-5.6 lens and add several new functions. 20 Around the world in 10 videos: ...
With the most recent firmware, the a6300 can often record 4K video for the full 29:59 duration that the camera allows but this is not always possible in warm conditions or if you've just shot a long clip. Sony only claims 'about 20 minutes' of 4K recording for both cameras. The ...
Sony a7R V Firmware Ver.2.01 & a6700 Firmware Ver.1.02 Released Sony released the newfirmware update version 2.01 for Sony a7R V and firmware version 1.02 for a6700camera. You can follow the links below to download the new firmware updates. ...
You can also configure an F-stop in the app but this has no effect and the camera will write the set focal length, f/2 and DT 40mm F2.8 to the exif file. It would be great if a future firmware update would fix that. Changing the parking position The other setting you can change ...
Sony对更新韧体的态度记得小编曾经向Sony有关人士讨教,为何Sony更新韧体时会倾向大幅增加相机的功能,而非像部分厂商般,将"Firmware Update"沦为为相机"Debug" (除虫)的「使命」?毕竟像Sony未来为A9、A7 III和A7R III更新韧体后多出来的「新功能」,部分品牌早已视此举为全新型号的实体产品...据Sony开发人员向小编...
Support PDAF/CDAF of Cameras: Sony A9/A7RIII/A7RII/A7III/A7II/A6500/A6300S Support CDAF of cameras: Sony A7R/A7SII/A7S/A7/NEX7/A6000/A5100 Method of fimware upgrading: Attention: Do not attach camera or lens when update adapter firmware.Update procedure: ...
sony +4 分享65赞 sony吧 Rainie涂鸦 〖分享〗刚入手a7m2高效的机器 sony +1 分享56赞 微单吧 freedom守望 【A7II更新】Ver.2.00 ILCE-7M2英国网站链接:http://www.sony.co.uk/support/en/content/cnt-dwnl/prd-dime/sony-ilce7m2-firmware-update-ver200-win/ILCE-7M2K 微单 分享95赞 单反吧 水瓶CB...
issue. On some devices (like my RX100 mk2) with a normal shutter speed, the camera need lots of time to save the picture and is not able to take a new picture. That's why I recommand to set the interval time at least to 5sec. I hope Sony will provide a new firmware to fix ...
Update Smart Remote app To connect to your Sony camera, your Sony camera must be running the built-in Sony app called “Smart Remote”. This app does not get updated when you update your camera’s firmware, and brand-new Sony cameras ship with out-of-date apps (so yes, you DO need ...