PS5两款 Pulse 新耳机体验 4067 -- 4:01 App 全新索尼PlayStation Pulse Elite 头戴式耳机开箱,精英本身就是精英 6158 4 2:55 App 索尼SONY PlayStation新款耳机PULSE Explore业余评测 Portal完美搭配 8.5万 57 3:04 App 买PS5耳机前你必须知道的几件事|PULSE 3D使用体验 7461 168 6:47 App 开箱索尼 ...
电脑、办公 > 游戏设备 > 游戏耳机 > 索尼(SONY) > 索尼(SONY)PULSE Elite HEADED EAGLE海外专营店 索尼(SONY)PS5耳机 3D无线蓝牙立体声游戏耳机降噪 ... 京东价 ¥ 配送至 --请选择-- 支持
PULSE Elite™ wireless headsetOpens an external website Global Offices Our global office locations reflect just a portion of our global presence – SIE team members reside across the world. Previous Slide Global Headquarters San Francisco Bay Area ...
PULSE Elite™ wireless headsetOpens an external website Global Offices Our global office locations reflect just a portion of our global presence – SIE team members reside across the world. Global Headquarters San Francisco Bay Area 2207 Bridgepointe Pkwy, ...
索尼(SONY) PS5 PULSE 3D耳机组主动降噪无线耳机 白色 国行图片、价格、品牌样样齐全!【京东正品行货,全国配送,心动不如行动,立即购买享受更多优惠哦!】
同时,公司也宣布将推出定价为US$149.99的Pulse Elite耳机,该耳机被视为PS5原始的Pulse 3D耳机的升级...
PlayStation Pulse Elite (not included) and PS5 Slim – Image Credit (Trusted Reviews) 3D audio is being hailed as a major feature of the PS5, a feat achieved by the console’s Tempest Engine. This allows for hundreds of simultaneous audio sources to be registered at once, instead of being...
虽然索尼拥有PlayStation Pulse 3D 无线耳机形式的专用 PS5 耳机,但索尼 Inzone H9是另一套适用于游戏机的出色耳机和麦克风。由于耳机的黑白涂装,它与 PS5 配合得很好。对索尼 Temped 3D 音频的支持也是一个福音,增加了更多身临其境的定向音频。 努力搞钱加油 选购指南 提及当前商品 索尼PS5全家桶,显示器+耳机...
Sony强调,尽管Pulse Explore的售价略偏高,但这款耳机结合了无损音质和低延迟性能成为独特产品。同时,公司也宣布将推出定价为US$149.99的Pulse Elite耳机,该耳机被视为PS5原始的Pulse 3D耳机的升级版本。 除此之外,Sony还特别介绍了其名为PlayStation Link的新技术,该技术将被集成在PlayStation Portal设备中。然而,对于...
PlayStation Link, the planar drivers precisely deliver the output of the 3D audio algorithms directly to the player's ear without loss, and nearly no distortion or delay. Here's our quick-start guide on setting up and using the Pulse Elite wireless headset, along with Pulse Explore wireless ...