This patch adds a new rideable EUC the Knight V (pronounced knight five), a pair of night vision goggles, a new spring trap that will launch enemies, and brings a first pass of solar power and light bulbs to the building system, along with a bunch more fixes and other improvements. As...
You will definitely want to save your game before you head in, because there's a good chance this will be the most difficult part of Sons of the Forest that you've been through to this point--this cave is absolutely full of those Finger guys and the obnoxiously resilient conjoined twin ...
Improved some areas in Cave D where players were getting stuck Added a tutorial message for zooming the tracker. Improved placement of tree structures Added more golf carts to golf course Golf carts and Hang Gliders now appear on the GPS screen when nearby Eagles now sometimes land on logs and...
Kelvin's help up prompt will no longer show up in the inventory view if the player opens their inventory on top of him Fixed rabbit escaping the kill action if the kill action was triggered at the same time as the drop action Fix for the player getting into a bad state if the tutorial...
With the game out of early access, now is the perfect time to get stuck in and experiment with cheats to make the game even more goofy (amidst the horror, of course). Below we've listed all known Sons Of The Forest console commands and cheats to allow you to activate godmode, create...
Player no longer gets stuck when holding crossbow and picking up new items in quick succession Hokey Pokey trap should no longer get in to a broken physics state where the pendulum would freak out and start spinning Fixed issue that caused items to not be removed from a layout group if the...
This page serves as a comprehensive write up of the story of Sons of the Forest. Before the events of the first game a multi-billionaire named Edward Puffton has a fascination for ancient artifacts, and a fixation on specifically a golden cube found thro
【森林之子】Sons of the Forest 2023.06.24更新笔记【步枪,高尔夫球车等】【粗翻】 【该更新笔记由机翻后由个人粗略修正,现在应该更容易看懂】 大家好 这个补丁增加了一个新的BOSS战和一个新的游戏结束场景,以及可驾驶的高尔夫球车,在一个山洞里可以找到一把步枪,坐在百合花上鸣叫的青蛙,砍掉动物的头并将其...
Fixed animation issues and stuck states when grabbing a rope while swimming. Fixed incorrect scaling on one of the mushrooms in quick select The laser sight mod pickup no longer shows the laser beam Fix for broken sticks while crafting arrows causing mesh collider error spam ...
Fixed spelling of Protein Shake recipe Fixed lens flare occlusion not working if blood or cold post processing was active Fixed player getting stuck when quickly closing the grab bag after opening it on things such as storage, fires, and Virginia ...