这个 Mod 还允许你生成通常无法通过 spawnitem 命令生成的项目。 《森林之子》物品生成器MOD安装说明 1、此模组需要安装前置,前置-Redloader==> 点此下载。 2、将“Mods”文件夹从压缩文件中提取出来,并将其放置在SonsOfTheForest.exe所在的游戏目录中。
Doubled the speed of the item hover animations in the inventory Items can now be batch added and removed from the mat in inventory by holding the button down Reduced the out of breath sound when the player has reached their minimum vitality when all their stats are reduced Improved the inter...
Hey everyone,This patch adds new stone pickups and the ability to build stone structures. We also added custom effigies, a first pass of hard survival plus a bunch of cooking improvements and lots more. For the full list, check below.As always, please continue to post your bug reports and...
World spawnitem 369 50 Spawns 50 cases of Stun Gun ammo. World settimeofday [number between 1 and 24] Set the time of day. World treescutall [on/off] Cuts all trees around the player, useful if you want to clear space for a base. System airadar [on/off] Creates a box at the fe...
Алкоголь– Spawnitem414; АлоэВера– Spawnitem451; Рука– Spawnitem480; Листстрелы– Spawnitem454; Рюкзак– Spawnitem402; Укусбекона– Spawnitem571; Батарейки– Spawnitem527; Ежевика– Spawnitem595; ...
Tuxedo - Inside the bathroom. Just watch out for the little "Tiyanak" baby mutants that will spawn when you attempt to leave the area. Gallery Left: Maintenance Tunnel A; Right: The Maintenance Keycard on a desk with another 3D Printer. In any case, the Sons of the Forest Maintenance Ke...
When you first awaken after the crash at the beginning of Sons Of The Forest, the very first thing you should do is pick up just about everything you possibly can from around the crash site. There are various travel cases and crates scattered around your spawn point - open them up and ...
If the body is completely missing, the follower will spawn at the players location Make sure to be outside of buildings, else you might glitch into the building sometimes The followers will be at maximum stats and should be friendly towards players They will have the items that you have sele...
The second piece of the Artifact is located inside the Rope Gun Cave. It is located on the western side of the map near the river spawn point. Once at the cave, head inside by breaking the wooden planks and you will reach a slope leading to an open area filled with several mutants. ...
Fixed more cases of enemies and large animals able to spawn in player bases Fixed missing translation on find the Puffton tutorial messages Fixed slight delay when hovering over the exit confirm button Fixed some more cases of being able to glitch out of the world using a stick ...