Fixed more cases of enemies and large animals able to spawn in player bases Fixed missing translation on find the Puffton tutorial messages Fixed slight delay when hovering over the exit confirm button Fixed some more cases of being able to glitch out of the world using a stick Fixed animation...
Panel Version 1.11.3 Wings Version 1.11.6 Service sonsoftheforest Modified No, I did not modify the egg Expected Behavior The server is installed using the egg without any change in the configuration. After installation, the server shoul...
If you do this correctly, pressing F1 will bring up a dev console command menu with a huge list of cheats attached. From there, simply enter the cheat that you want to use and press the ENTER key. That's all there is to it - you can now use Sons Of The Forest console commands an...
This page serves as a comprehensive write up of the story of Sons of the Forest. Before the events of the first game a multi-billionaire named Edward Puffton has a fascination for ancient artifacts, and a fixation on specifically a golden cube found thro