great locations to hide out after you’ve cleared them, and fantastic places to farm the heck out of somecannibals. However, finding the location of each important cave inSons of the Forestcan prove to be much more difficult than simply checking out the map to see where the cave icons are...
Travel to the keycard location as shown on the Sons of the Forest map. It will be on thenorthwestside of the Island. Approach the golf cart ahead and start digging the ground near it. Use the shovel in your inventory to dig. As you shovel, you will see a bunker (Maintenance A). ...
There are three keycards to find across the island in Sons of the Forest. Here's the location for each.
Sons Of The Forest Golden Armor location The Golden Armor is located within the cave marked on the map below. It's to the West of the snowy mountain, in the same location as the dead cultists. Expand map As you approach the location shown above, you'll see the cave symbol appear on ...
That wraps up our guide on Sons Of The Forest console commands and cheats. For more vital info, check out our Sons Of The Forest map for all item locations, points of interest, and anything else you may need to find. If you want to cheat up an awesome base in the perfect spot, tak...
Added NPC Timmy to hell cave Added 2 final artifact pieces and final artifact can now be crafted You can now *(Spoiler)* or create a *(Spoiler)* with the combined artifact Jianyu helicopters will now take off and leave from bases around map, and may occasionally hover over player structure...
find three keycards — maintenance, VIP, and guest — to explore the deeper areas of a few bunkers. The locations for each of these keycards are spread out around the map, and can be quite tedious to find. Continue reading to find the locations of the maintenance, VIP, and guest key...
If you want to build larger structures like shelters in a cave or bunker, you have to place a small blueprint first ( like a chair), then change its type and save. Map The map combines static information about points-of-interest with dynamic information that are read directly from the sa...
You willnot be able to craft the shovel in Sons of the Forestso you have to do some exploring in order to actually find it. The shovel is specifically in one of the caves and it is the one that is almost dead-center in the middle of the map. Go to the cave and then begin explo...
Use these tips and tricks to defeat the demon boss in Sons of the Forest, making the battle much easier.