You must craft, build, and keep yourself alive against the many dangers that lurk in the dark. As time passes, seasons will change, requiring you to be proactive and prepare for the many changes in your world. With a Sons Of The Forest dedicated server, you can team up with friends ...
1.去游戏目录运行SonsOfTheForest.exe后等10秒左右关闭窗口 2.打开文件夹上面的查看→勾选上隐藏的目录 3.进入C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\LocalLow\Endnight\SonsOfTheForestDS目录 4.双击编辑dedicatedserver.cfg 5.修改以下参数(ip填写内网IP,Sons Of The Forest Server (dedicated)为服务器名称,自行修改建议...
Docker container to easily provision and manage Sons of the Forest Dedicated Server with Wine - docker-sons-of-the-forest-dedicated-server/ at master · funkekaiser/docker-sons-of-the-forest-dedicated-server
The simplest way to set up the Sons of the Forest dedicated server application is to install it via SteamCMD. The tool is a command-line client that lets you connect to the Steam server and get data from it. Download the installation package of the client from SteamCMD installation page and...
Moved up last line of Barb note to not overlap thumb Fixed an issue where dedicated server couldn’t be joined after the computer returned from sleep mode Fixed alpha on crosses burn demons note Fixed spreading phlox rendering 2 times
container_name:sons-of-the-forest-dedicated-server image:jammsen/sons-of-the-forest-dedicated-server:latest restart:always environment: ALWAYS_UPDATE_ON_START:1 ports: -8766:8766/udp -27016:27016/udp Expand Down 2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions2docker-compose.yml ...
出来可能随着时间推进,这个游戏可以增加这些内容让这个作品从一个非常平庸的中不溜的游戏变成异常精彩的作品:大量增加生存的元素,别搞的太简单了,像一代一样你还是需要打理一下生活···增加一些可以制作的东西,增加对于地图改造的一些选项还是希望能提供像我这样的人一个使用专属服务器(dedicated server)的选项,多人...
Sons of the Forest Dedicated/Server is just a simple editor. There are 2 versions you can use depending on the convenience.-
Added dedicated server direct connection via <ip>:<game port> in the multiplayer menus. You can now connect directly to a specific server without waiting for the entire list of servers to refresh Cooking pot lid will now properly update its cooking animation for clients Added the ability to ov...
Until dedicated servers are in place, you can transfer multiplayer save files in Sons of the Forest so more than one person can host a server.