All Caves in Sons of the Forest Image Source: Endnight Games via The Nerd Stash The first cave we’ll explore is theCoastal Cave, or theRebreather Cave. Whichever you choose to call it, it’s still the same cave. You can pick up loads of notable loot within the cave, including: ...
Hey everyone,This patch adds a new boss battle along with a new cutscene to the end of the game, as well as drivable golf carts, a rifle which can be found in one of the caves, frogs that sit on lily pads and chirp, the ability to chop heads off dead animals and use them as wa...
To beatSons Of The Forest, you'll need to find the Golden Armor. Originally located on the South-East side of the map, the Golden Armor location changed with Patch 02, which launched before Sons OfThe Forestcame out of early access. It's now found deep within a new cave system on th...
Placing a new stone floor will now orient it to place in front of where player is aiming instead of the default calculated position which might be outside viewport Improved some placement UI to better reflect position of the snap point Placing stone beam on ground now displays more accurately ...
There are three keycards to find across the island in Sons of the Forest. Here's the location for each.
You willnot be able to craft the shovel in Sons of the Forestso you have to do some exploring in order to actually find it. The shovel is specifically in one of the caves and it is the one that is almost dead-center in the middle of the map. Go to the cave and then begin explo...
7. Head to the 3D printer as soon as possible Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun/Endnight Games One of the most important sites to seek out and explore early on in Sons Of The Forest is the 3D Printer. This device can be found in one of the cave systems marked on your GPS map, an...
This page serves as a comprehensive write up of the story of Sons of the Forest. Before the events of the first game a multi-billionaire named Edward Puffton has a fascination for ancient artifacts, and a fixation on specifically a golden cube found thro
Getting the Stun Gun in Sons of the Forest As for the Stun Gun, you can find this byheading directly to the north of the mapclose to the center of the map. When you reach the top of the map,look along the left side of the shorelineand you will observea cave to enterwhere the la...
If you want to build larger structures like shelters in a cave or bunker, you have to place a small blueprint first ( like a chair), then change its type and save. Map The map combines static information about points-of-interest with dynamic information that are read directly from the sa...