There are three keycards to find across the island in Sons of the Forest. Here's the location for each.
World aipause [on/off] Pauses all AI instantly (will turn off if you pause the game). World animalsenabled [on/off] Removes all animals when toggled on. World spawnitem [item tag number] [number of item to spawn] Spawns a specified amount of the specified item. World spawnitem 78 50...
Today is our 1.0 Release of Sons Of The Forest. We are super excited for you guys to play all the new additions, changes and fixes. If you have an older save game it will still work, but we recommend starting a fresh save if you want to experience the story and all the new feature...
Today is our 1.0 Release of Sons Of The Forest. We are super excited for you guys to play all the new additions, changes and fixes. If you have an older save game it will still work, but we recommend starting a fresh save if you want to experience the story and all the new feature...
When you first awaken after the crash at the beginning of Sons Of The Forest, the very first thing you should do is pick up just about everything you possibly can from around the crash site. There are various travel cases and crates scattered around your spawn point - open them up and ...
This page serves as a comprehensive write up of the story of Sons of the Forest. Before the events of the first game a multi-billionaire named Edward Puffton has a fascination for ancient artifacts, and a fixation on specifically a golden cube found thro
As for the Tech Mesh, you can onlymake that using a 3D Printer.Luckily, there are multiple of them on the island with the first one being near where the spawn points are. One of the 3D Printer locations is on the western side of the island near the snowy mountains and is indicated ...
If the body is completely missing, the follower will spawn at the players location Make sure to be outside of buildings, else you might glitch into the building sometimes The followers will be at maximum stats and should be friendly towards players They will have the items that you have sele...
Build at Unreachable Places Another way to keep the cannibals away is to build in places where enemies do not spawn. There are places in the Sons of the Forest, like mountains, where you can stay safely without fearing enemies.
As usually happens in early access, new locations are added to the world while existing places are extended or further fleshed out. Sons of the Forest received several new additions, from a location with beached sailboats to new caves and extensions. It even revamped the Eastern side of the ...