Sons of Anarchy《混乱之子(2008)》第五季第十三集完整中英文对照剧本.docx,混乱之子前情提要: Previously on Sons of Anarchy: 我刚看着我的挚友被打死 I just watched my best friend get beaten to death. 现在我需要让特瑞格出去 Now I need Trager outside. 他知道我
混乱之子前情提要: PreviouslyonSonsofAnarchy: 我要带我全家走 Iampullingmyfamily 离你远远的 farawayfromyou, 还有萨门克罗种种屁事 SAMCROandalltheshitthatcomeswithit. 这算什么? Whatisthis? 温迪为什么会被列为监护人? WhyisWendylistedonthereasaguardian? 只是把事情安排好 Justgettingthingsinorder. 这个十...
我要清理几条老让我不得安宁的恶狗Gotta put down a couple of dogs making my life miserable.- 交给我吧 - 你觉得你应付得来么?- Let me and my boys do it. - You think you can handle that weight?告诉我是谁就行Just tell me who.萨门克罗的头SAMCRO boss.和那个贪心的蠢货毒贩And...
What does a 3% patch mean? A 3-piece patch denotes thata member belongs to a traditional motorcycle club or an outlaw club. How accurate is SOA? FX series Sons Of Anarchy has been described asan accurate portrayal of biker gang culture. Just like in real-life biker gangs, SAMCRO and oth...
混乱之子上集概要: Previously on Sons of Anarchy: 卡拉卡拉? Caracara? 没错 那是我们曾经开过的色情业公hearts;司hearts; Yeah, its a porn biz we used to handle. 那份清单上的女孩子 她们需要有个经纪人 Girls on that list, they need a booker. 情hearts;色hearts;皇帝 Diosa Norte. - 好的 ...
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I'mproudofyou.Youearnedthis. 我们需要你的建议兄弟 Weneedyouradvice,brother. 混乱之子不能自杀帮派会把他赶出去的 Sonsdon'tkillthemselves.Club'sgonnavotehimout. -让我再观察他一阵子-信在哪儿? -Letmewatchhimforawhile.-Wherearetheletters?
If you’ve yet to watch Tuesday’s Sons of Anarchy, avert your eyes now. Everyone else, read on… This week’s Sons of Anarchy concludes with an unexpected twist, one in which Jax sacrifices a beloved SAMCRO brother — for the good of the club? PHOTOS | Fall TV Spoiler Spectacular: ...