Before we wade further into the speakers vs. soundbars debate, we’ll let you in on a little secret: You don’t have to choose. In fact, you’ll get the best home-theater experience by combining both. But you have to start somewhere, so let’s explore which of the two sound solut...
Trueplay调音技术确保音质完美 接下来让我们谈谈Trueplay调音技术。这一技术支持根据房间声学特性进行智能调音,以确保在任何环境下都能呈现最佳的音质。不同的环境对音效有着极大的影响,但有了Trueplay调音,不论是在宽敞的客厅还是紧凑的书房,SONOS都能提供贴近完美的听觉享受。这意味着用户无需手动调整音箱位置或设置,...
主动降噪(ANC)头戴式耳机这一品类,无论哪个品牌,彼此共同点都太多了,从降噪、空间音频到超长续航,可以说,是卷到不能再“卷”。以3999元零售价、定位高端的Sonos,冀望于在头部赛道闯出一片新天地,势必要有些别人不具备的能耐!与Soundbar的联动,就是它的“护城河”。Sonos Ace与Soundbar连接后,将由Sou...
According to Mashable's sister publicationPCMag(owned by the same publisher Ziff Davis), soundbars are essentially "long, somewhat thin speakers that incorporate stereo, left/center/rightsurround sound, and even spatial audio drivers in an easy-to-set-up device." The best soundbars "add much...
As a standalone bar, the Arc lacks a subwoofer and satellites, so its surround sound isn't quite as impressive as the Samsung's full setup. Still, it performs well on its own, making it a solid choice for those who don't have as much space in their living room. Compare Side-by-...
This Samsung soundbar is also built to function best with Samsung TVs (though it’s compatible across all brands and models). With Q symphony all your audio will be perfectly synced to the action onscreen and you can even customize your sound for deeper bass if needed. You can even en...