因为耳机本体的收纳方式是旋转耳罩至平整状态,就像索尼 WH-1000XM5 和 Bose 700 那样的收纳方式,所以耳机收纳盒的平面体积并不算小,但好在它厚度比较薄,放在双肩包里也不会过于占地方。 当然,如果能够像 Bose QC 或者老款索尼头戴式降噪那样,可以将耳罩向上折叠收纳就更好了。 回看整个产品矩阵,可以发现 Sonos ...
Personally I wouldn't buy either of these - I went for a pair of Bose. dampfnudel macrumors 603 Aug 14, 2010 5,003 3,001 Brooklyn, NY Jun 3, 2024 #53 bunce66 said: the Airpods Max are so overdue for an update, it's laughable at this point. The competition is definitely...
He said his old Bose cans were better. The problem is that obviously the headband should be at the very top of the head, for gravity reasons. But the human ears don’t always line up perfectly with where the center of your head is, there’s a slight tilt, which is why so many ...
Reddit Bluesky Last updated 8 months agoThe Sonos Ace is the company's new push into premium personal audio. Here's how it fares when compared to Apple's AirPods Max. The Sonos Ace were launched as a premium pair of headphones, its first foray into personal audio. They're a stylish...
sonos.comはソーシャルメディアトラフィックのほとんどをRedditから獲得しており、YoutubeとFacebook (デスクトップ) がそれに続きます。Tiktokでオーディエンスとつながることは、新たな機会をもたらすかもしれません。 シェア ソーシャルネットワーク ...
最重要的是, Sonos Ace 的整机重量为 312g,比 AirPods Max 轻盈许多,比 Bose 和索尼要稍重一些,因此我并不会觉得 Sonos Ace 佩戴起来会有任何压力,得益于柔软的耳垫,我认为 Sonos Ace 在长时间佩戴方面会更显优势。(除非环境气温太热) 应该是考虑到实用性,崇尚极简的 Sonos 选择在耳罩后侧保留了多个实体按键...