The ZBDongle-E Zigbee 3.0 USB dongle is pre-flashed with Zigbee coordinator firmware based on EZNet 6.10.3 and works out of the box withHome Assistant‘s ZHA integration,Zigbee2MQTT(a.k.a. Z2M –update: EFR32MG21 is not recommended with Z2M, see comments section), ...
I have a Sonoff Dongle USB Zigbee ZBDongle-E 3.0 , original firmware was EZNet 6.10.3 I did the update to, but I had no improvement, below the error: 2024-12-13 17:13:25.462 ERROR (Dummy-1) [homeassistant] Error doing job: Task exception was never retrieved (None) Traceb... Itead has just launched Sonoff ZBBridge as an inexpensive Sonoff Zigbee Bridge which is somewhat based on a similar concept/idea as the Sonoff RF Bridge (which I believe your firmware already has support for?). ...
The dongle plus has a wide range of supported devices, such as BASICZBR3, S31 Lite zb, SNZB01, SNZB02, SNZB03, SNZB04, Zigbee mini, S26R2ZB , and various sub-devices from various brands or flash router firmware to extend the network range....
As the SNZB-03P supports the Zigbee 3.0 standard, it can be used with various Smart Home platforms from different manufacturers, including SONOFF: via ZBBridge, ZBBridge-P,NSPanel PRO, AIBridge,ZBDongle-P,ZBDongle-E Amazon (via Echo Plus 2nd, Echo Show 2nd, Echo 4th Gen) ...
I'd like to build firmware updating of the USB stick into the Webthings Addon I work on. I've just updated that addon to add security support. I could add update flashing next. Off-topic; Then suggest you check out and take inspiration from ESP Web Tools
Note that while unlikely it is still unknown if the Texas Instruments CC2652P Zigbee module used in the new "Itead Sonoff ZBBridge Pro" also uses a signed firmware or not, it is more likely it uses unmodified firmware images from Koenkk ->
Is it advisable to update the firmware and z2m container at the same time or should this be done in two phases? Owner Koenkk commented Jul 15, 2022 Is it advisable to update the firmware and z2m container at the same time or should this be done in two phases? No, should be fine...