: a sonnet consisting of three quatrains and a couplet with a rhyme scheme of abab cdcd efef gg called also Shakespearean sonnet Word History First Known Use 1890, in the meaning defined above Time Traveler The first known use of English sonnet was in 1890 See more words from the ...
The Shakespearian sonnet consists of three quatrains and a concluding couplet, with the rhyme scheme abab cdcd efef gg. A less important sonnet form is Spenserian sonnet. Its rhyme scheme is ababbcbccdcdee.反馈 收藏
To make a general conclusion of its stylisticfeature, this sonnet is a typical Shakespearian sonnet with fourteen lines in iambic pentameter, including three quatrains and one couplet with the rhyme scheme ababcdcdefefgg. Besides this, sonnet 18 isin useof alliteration andfigures of speechwhich add...
Pushkin Sonnet: A 14-line Sonnet with rhyme scheme "ababccddeffegg". It can be read either as an Italian form (two quatrains plus two tercets) or as an English form (three quatrains plus a closing couplet). Rondel Prime: A 14-line poem that is a variant of the 13-line Rondel (a...
交韵(alternating rhyme scheme)又叫“交叉韵”、“换行韵”—— 一三行押,二四行押(ABAB);抱韵(enclosing rhyme scheme),又叫“首尾韵”、“环抱韵”—— 一四行押,二三行押(ABBA);随韵(running rhyme scheme),又叫“连续韵”——一二行押,三四行押(AABB);叠韵(overlap rhyme scheme),又...
2、Rhyme Scheme 韵 ·A Shakespearean sonnet is rhymed abab cdcd efef gg ·An Italian sonnet is rhymed abba abba in the octave, and the sestet has various rhyme patterns such as cdecde or cdcdcd. (二)赏析彼特拉克十四行诗 The Eyes that drew from me The eyes that drew from me such fe...
Sonnets are sometimes written in groups, where each individual sonnet can stand alone but are also linked with the others in the group. How to Pronounce Sonnet Here's how to pronounce sonnet: sahn-it Sonnets, Meter, and Rhyme Scheme Many (but not all) sonnets have a strict meter and a ...
•Rhymescheme:abbaabbacdecdeor:abbaabbacdcdcd •Note:Thistypeofsonnetisconstructedwithachangeofthoughtorturnbetweentheoctaveandthesestet,sothatthecontentandtheformareallied.Type2:theShakespeareansonnet •Structure threequatrains(afour-linestanza)followedbyacouplet(apairofrhymedlines)•Rhymescheme ababcdcd...
A sonnet is a fourteen-line poem in iambic pentameter with a carefully patterned rhyme scheme. Other strict, short poetic forms occur in English poetry (the sestina, the villanelle, and the haiku, for example), but none has been used so successfully by so many different poets. TheItalian,...
the poet points out linked to each other and vividly form the whole imagery.To make a general conclusion of its stylistic feature,this sonnet is a typical Shakespearian sonnet with fourteen lines in iambic pentameter, including three quatrains and one couplet with the rhyme scheme ababcdcdefefgg....