2、Rhyme Scheme 韵 ·A Shakespearean sonnet is rhymed abab cdcd efef gg ·An Italian sonnet is rhymed abba abba in the octave, and the sestet has various rhyme patterns such as cdecde or cdcdcd. (二)赏析彼特拉克十四行诗 The Eyes that drew from me The eyes that drew from me such fe...
A sonnet is a type of fourteen-line poem. Traditionally, the fourteen lines of a sonnet consist of an octave (or two quatrains making up a stanza of 8 lines) and a sestet (a stanza of six lines). Sonnets generally use a meter of iambic pentameter, and follow a set rhyme scheme. Wit...
•alyricpoem•consistingoffourteenlines•writteniniambicpentameter•withadefiniterimescheme•andadefinitethoughtstructure A 6 EndRhyme •Rhyme(rime):thecorrespondenceoftwoormorewordswithsimilar-soundingfinalsyllablesplacedsoastoechooneanother.•masculinerhyme,inwhichtwowordsendwiththesamevowel–consonant...
• a lyric poem • consisting of fourteen lines • written in iambic pentameter • with a definite rime scheme • and a definite thought structure A 6 End Rhyme • Rhyme (rime ): the correspondence of two or more words with similar-sounding final syllables placed so as to echo ...
of an English sonnet, with its 14 lines and iambic pentameter meter. This formal structure gives the poem a sense of order and balance, which contrasts with its themes of mystery and ineffability. The rhyme scheme, ABAB CDCD EFEF GG, also adds to the poem's musicality and memorability....
Overall, the poem's strong rhyme scheme reinforces its sense of permanence: the poem is so well constructed that it must endure for eternity. “Sonnet 18: Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?” Speaker The speaker of "Sonnet 18" is a subject of considerable controversy. Many peopl...
•••••alyricpoemconsistingoffourteenlineswritteniniambicpentameterwithadefiniterimeschemeandadefinitethoughtstructure EndRhyme •Rhyme(rime):thecorrespondenceoftwoormorewordswithsimilar-soundingfinalsyllablesplacedsoastoechooneanother.•masculinerhyme,inwhichtwowordsendwiththesamevowel–consonantcombination...
He thi nks that with the power of the poem, he can make the beauty of his friend immortal. That is to say, the beauty of his friend is immoral in that the poetry is eternal. In a word, the poem expresses the two themes. For one thi ng, the poet highly praises the beauty of ...
32、Transition(转)Conclusion(合)3.4 Stylistic features of the sonnet3.4.1 Structure: The poem consists of three quatrains and a concluding couplet of iambic pentameter, with the rhyme scheme abab cdcd efef gg. Meter (with respect to tonal pattern) : Iambus (抑扬格) / Iambic Foot(抑扬音步)...