William Shakespeare(1564-1616) Shall I compare thee to a summer's day/ei/ a Thou art more lovely and more temperate:/eit/ b Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,/ei/ a And summer's lease hath all too short a date,/eit/ b Sometimes too hot the eye of heaven shines, /...
SONNET #24 by: William Shakespeare (1564-1616) MINE eye hath played the painter and hath stelled Thy beauty's form in table of my heart; My body is the frame wherein 'tis held, And perspective it is best painter's art. For through the painter must you see his skill To fine where...
by:WilliamShakespeare O,THATyouwereyourself,but,love,youare Nolongeryoursthanyouyourselfherelive: Againstthiscomingendyoushouldprepare, Andyoursweetsemblancetosomeothergive. Soshouldthatbeautywhichyouholdinlease Findnodetermination;thenyouwere Yourselfagainafteryourself'sdecease Whenyoursweetissueyoursweetformsho...
The exuberance with which he uses the language of shadows and forms blunts the biting edge of absence, which otherwise cuts into his heart. Shadows, substance, form and dreams are part of the machinery of Plato's cave in which the real world is unknown, and only flickering shadows of peopl...
There are a few instances in this sonnet where Shakespeare alters the rhythm slightly, but this poem is still considered a strongexample of iambic pentameterin a Shakespearean sonnet. Exceptions to the Rule Shakespeare developed a new sonnet form. ...
This image epitomizes the poet's delightful memory of his friendship with the youth and compensates for the misfortunes he has lamented.赏析This is one of shakespeare' 7、;s more ambiguous sonnets :one does not know who the speaker is referring to or if the word "love"in this sonnet ...
This sonnet may be a response to criticism of the three jealousy sonnets preceding, 58, 59, 61. Perhaps the poet had been accused by the youth of indulging in extremes of self-love, and this is the poet's reply to the charge. In effect he acknowledges his guilt, admitting that he is...
This poem comes from "“Shakespeare's sonnets", which contains 154 sonnets of Shakespeare. This poem is the 18th one, which is also a famous one.The poem begins with a comparison of "you" with summer. But "you" is much more lovely than the summer, the nature of the most beautiful ...
shakespeare(sonnet) 英国文学 十四行诗 WilliamShakespeare威廉.莎士比亚 A 1 WhoisShakespeare?A 2 艾汶河上斯特拉斯福:莎翁故居及塑像 A 3 莎翁部分作品:SomeWorks A 4 Poems •Poems:•Inarrative:ballad,epic•IIdramatic:dramaticmonologue•IIIlyric(dealingwithemotions,feelings):sonnet,ode,pastoral,...