Sonnet 130 attacks cliched love images. In the poem, the speaker lists all the ways his beloved does not conform to an idealized beauty image. Nevertheless, the speaker loves this woman dearly. Enthymeme is an argument in which one premise is missing or implied. Shakespeare implies,...
The speaker uses metaphor and comparison through the poem. In lines 1-2, the speaker sa 3、ys “My mistresseyes are nothing like the sun ;/ Coral is far more red than her lips red;”. “her lips red”means the red of her lips. He wants to express that his lovers eyes are not ...
Number your conclusion analogously. The Works Cited should not be numbered. Before handing in your paper, check that the headings and numbers are identical on the contents page and in the paper.Prof. Dr. Anja AusgedachtLarissa Müller
Although in Sonnet 130, Shakespeare is mocking the over-flowery language, in Sonnet 18, Shakespeare’s simplicity of imagery shows that that is not the case. The beloved’s beauty can coexist with summer and indeed be more pleasant, but it is not a replacement for it. The Poem Analysis ...