莎士比亚十四行诗朗诵 第7期:Sonnet CXX 第120首时间:2016-03-04 17:18:00 来源:可可英语 编辑:aimee | 可可官方微信:ikekenet 字号:大 | 中 | 小 评论 打印 收藏本文 no support! That you were once unkind befriends me now, 你对我狠过心反而于我有利: And for that sorrow which I then...
SONNET 120 That you were once unkind, befriends me now, And for that sorrow, which I then did feel Needs must I under my transgression bow, Unless my nerves were brass or hammered steel. For if you were by my unkindness shaken, ...
十四行诗 Sonnet 120时间:2008-04-16 17:00:04 来源:本站原创 编辑:echo | 可可官方微信:ikekenet 字号:大 | 中 | 小 评论 打印 收藏本文 That you were once unkind befriends me now, And for that sorrow which I then did feel Needs must I under my transgression bow, Unless my nerves...
62.7万 保险120 by:周彼得 4.6万 古诗120 by:Miky轩 6万 120个回望 by:劳月 16.1万 失恋120天 by:妖孽巷_雨 7.4万 小古文120课 by:华理之声 27.2万 牛卡片120张卡片 by:一切安好_h2j 12.3万 八路军之120师 by:江海舟行 4153 BBC120(上册) by:Aubrey1436 3738 BBC120(下册) by:Aubrey1436 11.3万...
Sonnet #120“That you were once unkind befriends me now” Sonnet #121“‘Tis better to be vile than vile esteemed” Sonnet #122“Thy gift, thy tables, are within my brain” Sonnet #123“No, Time, thou shalt not boast that I do change” ...
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The central theme of Sonnet 120 is the power of memory and its ability to transform past experiences. Shakespeare addresses the persona of the poem, who is reflecting on a past relationship. The persona is not identified in the poem, which allows for a broad range of interpretation. The pers...
Sonnet 120 作者:Lambert M·Surhone/Mariam T·Tennoe/Susan F·Henssonow 页数:76 ISBN:9786133563438 豆瓣评分 目前无人评价 评价: 写笔记 写书评 加入购书单 分享到 推荐 我要写书评 Sonnet 120的书评 ···(全部 0 条)
Echo II DV Thunderbolt 5 模块拥有 2 条相互独立的 PCIe 4.0 ×16 AIC 插槽,可容纳全高、312mm 长的附加卡。其内置 400W 主电源,可提供 2 组 PCIe 6Pin 供电,随附 2 条雷电 5 120Gbps 线材,售价 999.99 美元(IT之家备注:当前约 7243 元人民币)。
Thunderbolt 5 的数据传输速度可达 120 Gbit/s,在理想条件下比 Thunderbolt 4 快三倍。Sonnet 的最新扩展坞利用了这一带宽优势,集成了 M.2 PCIe 4.0 固态硬盘,传输速率高达 6.1 GB/s。 Hannes Brecher (translated by Ninh Duy), Published 01/18/2025 🇺🇸 🇩🇪 ... Launch Thunderbolt 79% 微...