(1).点击Policies-Add New Custom Policy(也可以修改设备默认的Default Policy) (2).新建一条名为Vavic的策略 Quota10 GB:该策略最大可使用的CDP硬盘空间 Enable Local Management:是否允许属于该策略的个人用户可以自己设定要保护的文件目录 Enable Offsite Backup:启用远程备份(将此策略中的数据远程备份到Sonicwall...
WINS Server 2: (or use your WINS IP) IP address provided by RADIUS/LDAP Server:Disabled Use the Local L2TP IP Pool:Enabled Start IP:*EXAMPLE* End IP:*EXAMPLE* Note: Use any unique private range. User Group for L2TP Users:Trusted Users or Everyone Step 5:...
Log into the Backup SonicWall's unique LAN IP address (Management IP). The management interface should now display Logged Into: Backup SonicWall Status: (green ball) Active in the upper right corner. If all licenses are not already synchronized with the Primary unit, navigate to the System |...
因为默认配置X1口是主WAN口,路由表的最后一条默认路由是X1 Default Gateway,如果不增加以4.4.4.2,为源的策略路由,这两个地址的回包路由就是X1 Default Gateway,这样,进来的数据从X2口到达,返回的数据从X1口回去,防火墙认为这是不可能的,当做IP Spoof,把数据包丢弃,因为必须增加这个...
management via this sa: http: enabled (optional) https: enabled (optional) default lan gateway: public (wan) ip of the sonicwall. require authentication of vpn clients via xauth: enabled user group for xauth users: trusted users or everyone ...
SonicWALL security appliances. If a failover occurs, any session that had been active at the time of failover needs to be renegotiated.Hardware Failover can be configured with only 1 Public WAN IP address (Virtual IP only) or 3 IP addresses (Virtual IP, Primary management IP and Backup ...
Your firewall will restart to factory default. After the reboot, login to the SonicWall management GUI via X0 Interface on the default firewall IP ( NOTE: Make sure to modify the NIC Settings of the client connected to X0 to match the new firewall...
4、c vInterface XI SettingsIP Assignment:Default Gateway:Management:User Login:Ready5354 HTTP 0 HTTPS Ping SNMPJ HTTP HTTPS5 .配置完成后LAN以及WAN网卡后,系统界面显示如下:配置地址对象1 .进入 Network-Address Objects 页面2 .参照如下添加一条称为LAN_的对象:乩混业晋回堕所鸟屋喧wo t K9i 761mn江...
Configure ASAP WorkPlace (配置用户工作台上显示的资源快捷方式) 8. Configure End Point Control (可选) (配置终端控制,可选配置) 2.1、Network settings (配置网络参数) 1、点击network settings,配置内、外网接口IP,和选择是否启用ICMP 2 、点击routing, 配置到Internet 和内部服务器的路由。 在Default gateway...
SonicWALL系列设备配置下.doc,下面的设置使用VPN 虚拟网卡,就是给GVC用户分配IP地址。为此,必须配置DHCP 服务器为GVC 用户分配IP 地址。 Virtual Adapter Settings选择DHCP Lease 选中Use Default Key for Simple Client Provisioning 使用户不必输入General界面的预共享密