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Sonic Wiki Zone Know something we don't about Sonic? Don't hesitate in signing up today! It's fast, free, and easy, and you will get a wealth of new abilities, and it also hides your IP address from public view. We are in need of content, and everyone has something to contribute...
Actual Sonic Wiki Otros usuarios como tú han visto Sonic the Hedgehog Shadow the Hedgehog (Película) Rouge the Bat Blaze the Cat Sonic the Hedgehog (Película) Páginas más visitadas esta semana Shadow the Hedgehog 1 Amy Rose 2 Silver the Hedgehog ...
The traditional flying Egg Mobile appears only during the introduction cutscene of Knuckles and Rouge. In it, he once again uses a yellow claw in an attempt to take the Master Emerald. While Knuckles manages to break the Master Emerald into shards at the time, Eggman escapes back to the pyr...
蠕动意面(Creepypasta)人物介绍: 索尼克exe-第二个故事《Sonic.EXE/Round 2》 Wiki Fandom讲解 自“ Sonic.exe谋杀案”开始发生以来,已经过去了一年多了,警察局仍然不知道谁在这样做或为什么会发生。第一次谋杀案看上去好像杀手做了一份草率的工作,但是加时赛杀人事件 - 或者至少有一些在车站的家伙认为这只是杀人...
Cornering★★☆☆☆ Trivia Unlike most other character-specified Extreme Gear in theSonic Ridersseries, Darkness can be used by other characters in the game other than Shadow. References ↑Official in-game description. Show Sonic Riders Show ...
Cameos & References The nuke's activation code is "Sierra-Uniform-Zero-Six-Two", which can be read as "SU062": a reference to the issue number. External links Archie Sonic Universe Issue 62atSonic Wiki Zone, theSonicwiki. Archie Comicissues ...
Rouge the Bat (Sonic X) Cream the Rabbit (Sonic X) Maria the Hedgehog (Sonic X) Cheese Chao (Sonic X) Big the Cat (Sonic X) Vector the Crocodile (Sonic X) Charmy Bee (Sonic X) Espio the Chameleon (Sonic X) Tikal (Sonic X) Cosmo (Sonic X) Chris Thorndyke Chuck Thorndyke Helen ...
这个版本的角色的许多变体是在游戏发布后由粉丝制作的。他们中的一些人最终成为 Rouge.exe、Round 2 和 Silver.exe 等游戏的主要对手。与许多人的想法不同,这些游戏并不构成 Crimson 原始经典的一部分。 由于演员表中的一些角色没有适当的渲染,我们创建了一些自定义角色来描绘他们。
Boomstick: If all that wasn't enough, Metal Sonic can scan his opponents to copy their techniques. He copied the explosive Knuckle Slam from Knuckles, ESP from Silver, the Bat Guard technique from Rouge, and even copied Shadow the Hedgehog's signature Chaos Control. ...