Sonic the Hedgehog is an American comic book series based on Sega's Sonic the Hedgehog video game franchise and is the second American Sonic Comic adaption after Archie Comics' Sonic the Hedgehog. It is distributed by IDW Publishing and began on 4 April
In the Sonic the Hedgehog comic series and its spin-offs published by IDW Publishing, Sonic's past is the exact same as it is in the games, up until after the events of Sonic Forces. After the Eggman War, Sonic traveled the world to destroy the remaining Badniks, who had been left ...
The Complete Sonic the Hedgehog Comic EncyclopediaThis encyclopedia is a data book compiling characters in the Archie Comics Sonic the hedgehog series. Please note that it differs from characters and settings in the Sonic game series.Ian Flynn...
IDW, the current publishers of theSonic the Hedgehogcomic series, have announced a special 30th anniversary comic book that will contain 80 pages of special stories for the blue blur. This will cover three completely original stories, as follows: ...
Previous image: SONIC UNIVERSE #76 Next image: SONIC THE HEDGEHOG #275 Image Details Description:SONIC THE HEDGEHOG #274 by Rafa Knight Mega Man Date:04.27.2016 00:12 Hits:3517 Added by:Guest Keywords:Knight
But Sonic's not the only super-speedster in town . . . Get caught up with everything you need to know about Sonic's evil counterpart Surge before she and Sonic go head-to-head in the epic issue #50, a story years in the making!
A Cameron, fromSonic the Hedgehog#51. In theSonic the Hedgehogcomic series and its spin-offs published byIDW Publishing,Sonicfought two Camerons during his escape from theEggperial City, both of which he destroyed by tricking twoMantasto drop bombs on them.[1] ...
SONIC THE HEDGEHOG #250 by Ryan Jampole, Gary Martin and Matt Herms Dr. Eggman Rouge Shadow Silver Tails Mecha Amy Rose Knuckles. Comic Art Community GALLERY OF COMIC ART
Green Hill Zone-- Sonic's first steps into the tropics introduce the visual staples that remain trademarks of the series to this day: checkered hillsides, palmtrees, loop-de-loops, etc. Overhanging ledges crumble as you stand on them, so don't stick around unless you're looking for a qu...