Sonic Mania (Switch eShop Game) first released 15th Aug 2017, developed by Christian Whitehead and published by SEGA.
PS4《索尼克狂热强化版 Sonic Mania Plus》中文版pkg下载。《索尼克:狂欢》是一款经典的2D动作冒险游戏,索尼克系列25周年的纪念之作。本作有三个可玩角色蓝刺猬索尼克、迈尔斯·“塔尔斯”·普劳尔和纳克,角色将拥有全新的技能。 游戏中拥有着大量不同风格的关卡,例如工业风格的化工厂、沙漠地带的荒漠以及热带雨林等...
Buy Sonic Mania PS4 + DLC (US) ✔️ CD Key ✔️ Instant download ✔️ Fantastic price ✔️ Game DLC ✔️
Sonic Mania – Bösewichte-Design1,99€wallpaperTheme Sonic Mania – Helden-Design1,99€wallpaperTheme Sonic Mania – Landschaft-Design1,99€wallpaperTheme 游戏介绍 Erlebe die perfekte Vereinigung von alt und neu in Sonic Mania, einem brandneuen Sonic-Abenteuer in 2D mit 60 FPS und atemberau...
在线看NS\PS4\XBO - Sonic Mania (Soundtrack) 2分钟 24秒。2021 7月 2的高清视频,VK免费视频库免注册! 1 — 已浏览。
Sonic Mania $31.95 86 86 游戏介绍 Download this avatar to add it to your PlayStation®Network Online ID.Visit to find out more about avatars and the exciting world of PlayStation®Network.Download of this product is subject to the PlayStation Network Terms of Service ...
Experience the ultimate celebration of past and future in Sonic Mania, an all-new 2D Sonic adventure running at a crisp 60FPS with stunning HD retro-style graphics. Multiple playable characters give you the ability to go explosively fast as Sonic, soar a
Testing with a known playable game, Sonic Mania, and I receive the following crash on launching the game. ShadPS4 v0.2.0 macOS 14.6.1 shad_log.txt shadPS4_mac_crash_logs.txt Edited: Clarified that crashes on launching game not app....
据悉,PS3模拟器RPCS3团队即将推出新版本的PS4模拟器RPCSX,目前已经支持音频和PS4游戏手柄。此前,该模拟器已经能够运行PS4版本的《Sonic Mania》游戏,但稳定性尚待提升,仍需进一步优化和改进。 近日,YouTuber“BrutalSam”发布了《Sonic Mania》的演示视频,确认了该模拟器已经支持音频和PS4游戏手柄。值得一提的是...
Sonic Mania Encore DLC - Experience a new take on familiar zones with the all-new Encore Mode, play as two new characters with their unique abilities Mighty the Armadillo, and Ray the Flying Squirrel, and compete with up to four friends in expanded Compe