Sonic is often aided in his adventures by a vast number of other animal characters, most commonly his close friends Amy, Tails, and Knuckles. For the first two games of the Mario & Sonic series and Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Sonic was voiced in English by Jason Griffith, his at-the-...
Sonic the Hedgehog Customs Category Custom / Edited Sheets 1,103 Hits 11,596,511 Comments 473 Sonic the Hedgehog Customs Sonic the Hedgehog [186] Miles 'Tails' Prower [31] Amy Rose [36] Knuckles the Echidna [29]
You can only have two on screen at any given time and can press a button to swap between them, say, if you want to change tactics and scale a wall with Knuckles or casually float through a dangerous stretch with Tails. The rest of your team waits in the wings, only appearing if you...