Download and install theHeroes Console Restorationmod. Big the Cat's fur stripes are missing•Link Big the Cat's in-game model in the PC port of the game shipped with a broken texture container, causing his fur stripes to go missing. ...
Kent, Steven L
HeroesPowerPlant:Sonic Heroes(PC,GameCube,XBOX,PS2)和Shadow the Hedgehog(GameCube,XBOX,PS2)的关卡编辑器。 将各Bi**er 上传4.89MB 文件格式 zip 英雄电厂 Heroes Power Plant是Sonic Heroes和Shadow of the Hedgehog(在Microsoft Visual Studio中使用C#和SharpDX作为Direct3D包装器创建)的关卡编辑器。 它要求...
The heroes defeat the creature, but the doctor escapes in his Egg Carrier. Tails and Sonic give chase in the Tornado, but their plane is shot down. Tails crash-lands in the Mystic Ruins. Reflecting on his first meeting with Sonic, he decides to continue without him and searches for ...
Found on the ground or in trees, they chuck bombs at approaching heroes. Some bombs explode immediately while others only blow after a short delay: long enough to pick the bomb up and toss it back at its progenitor. Rhinotank (リノタンク) -- Rhino bots based on Cyclone from Sonic 3...
The following game versions were used: the original Japanese Sonic Adventure release on Dreamcast, Sonic Adventure 2: Battle, the PC version of Sonic Heroes, the PlayStation 3 version of Sonic the Hedgehog (2006), the Xbox 360 version of Sonic Unleashed, and the Wii version of Sonic Colors...
zhaoolee/ChromeAppHeroes 🌈谷粒-Chrome插件英雄榜, 为优秀的Chrome插件写一本中文说明书, 让Chrome插件英雄们造福人类~ ChromePluginHeroes, Write a Chinese manual for the excellent Chrome plugin, let the Chrome plugin heroes benefit the human~ 13.0k Python 01/12 12youfou/wxpy 微信机器人 / 可能是...