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Don't forget Sonic Boom games and Sonic EXE games, which take the Sonic experience to unique and unexplored dimensions!For fans who love to play on their computers, Sonic games for PC offer an accessible way to enjoy Sonic's fast-paced adventures. Explore, run and spin in the Sonic ...
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Noun1.sonic boom- an explosive sound caused by the shock wave of an airplane traveling faster than the speed of sound; "a sonic boom follows an aircraft as a wake follows a ship" blast wave,shock wave- a region of high pressure travelling through a gas at a high velocity; "the explosi...
Related to sonic:sonic boom son·ic (sŏn′ĭk) adj. 1.Of or relating to audible sound:a sonic wave. 2.Having a speed approaching or being that of sound in air, about 1,220 kilometers (760 miles) per hour at sea level.
Popular online Sonic games and videos portal. Play the best Sonic the Hedgehog games and watch your favorite Sonic and new Sonic Boom videos for free!
The meaning of SONIC BOOM is a sound resembling an explosion produced when a shock wave formed at the nose of an aircraft traveling at supersonic speed reaches the ground —called also sonic bang.
ACT: Sonic Boom [F] N/A ACT: Light Dash [Z] N/A Press ACT: Lock on [C] N/A Press ACT: Cyber-space [H] N/A ACT: Stop slot machine [Y] N/A ACT: Show Tutorial again [G] N/A ACT: Pause menu [P] N/A ACT: Map [M] N/A UI: Move cursor up [W] N/A...