1. Sonic 3 and Knuckles2. Sonic Mania3. Sonic 14. Sonic 25. Sonic CD6. Sonic Advance I don’t really care for any other Sonics. I liked A1 and A2 as a kid but I tried playing them again on 360 and woah they had a lot of problems. 1 Reply 63 Chocobo_Shepherd Thu 24th Jun...
Eggman to defeat the bigger threats, the others are Sonic Adventure 2, Sonic Heroes, Sonic Advance 3, Shadow the Hedgehog, Sonic the Hedgehog (2006), Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood, and Sonic Lost World. Chronologically, this is the sixth time they team up since the events of ...
Sonic Rush is a 2D platformer game, similar to earlier games in the series as well as later ones like Sonic Advance. The player controls either Sonic the Hedgehog or Blaze the Cat (Blaze becomes playable after defeating the Egg Hammer Mega in Sonic's story). Each character may differ in ...
but All the genesis games got re-released on Sonic Mega Collection shortly after, AND at the same time of SA2'Bs release, they gave us Sonic Advance 1, the TRUE Sonic the Hedgehog 4. Between the release of Sonic Adventure 2 and Sonic Gems collection was truly Sonic's finest hour, even...